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My Scripture Streak Podcast

Jul 30, 2024


Alma counsels his son Helaman, sharing his own experience of being born again and finding joy in the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The chapter follows a chiastic structure, with the central theme being the Atonement. Alma emphasizes the importance of keeping the commandments to prosper in the land and warns of...

Jul 28, 2024


In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the story of Alma and the Zoramites from the Book of Mormon and draws parallels to modern-day situations. Jeffery emphasizes the importance of serving others and living within our means to become net contributors. He also discusses the significance of reading at least one...

Jul 28, 2024


Amulek continues teaching about the atonement, mercy, justice, and the importance of prayer. He emphasizes the need for faith, repentance, and calling upon the name of Christ. Amulek instructs the people to pray for mercy, to humble themselves, and to continue in prayer throughout the day. He also teaches about...

Jul 27, 2024


In this episode, Alma turns the mic over to Amulek, who teaches profound truths about the atonement. Amulek testifies that Christ will come among the people to atone for their sins, and that an atonement is necessary for all mankind to avoid perishing. He explains that the atonement must be an infinite and...

Jul 25, 2024


In this episode, Alma continues his sermon to the people gathered on the hill, addressing their concerns about worship. He teaches them that they can worship God anywhere and encourages them to search the scriptures. Alma quotes prophets Zenos and Zenock to emphasize the importance of faith in the Son of God. He...