Sep 7, 2024
After her disastrous testimony at the inquest into their deaths, Andrew Borden's eldest daughter, Lizzie, was indicted for the murders.
She was represented at trial by a dream team of defense attorneys that included a former Massachusetts governor and a former Suffolk County district attorney. The defense strategy depicted Lizzie as a law-abiding Sunday school teacher who could not have possibly committed such a heinous act.
The good-girl defense coupled with the successful suppression of key pieces of evidence left the prosecution with a purely circumstantial case that didn’t convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
In Chapter 34 and 35, we’ll examine the crimes themselves and Lizzie's indictment, trial, and acquittal.
You can download the ebook version of all of Part 7 – Who Killed Lizzie Borden's Parents? for free by clicking on the button at the bottom of this. You can also buy the entire anthology of Anthrax to Zodiac at