Sun, 9 March 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the top news stories of the week including intense coverage of the crisis in the Ukraine and the latest semi-autonomous region of the Crimea plus the west's war propaganda agenda towards Russia. We'll also comment on the Barton Moss anti-Fracking frontline in England, then we'll be first joined by a very special guest, Pippa King, to uncover the creeping dark technocratic agenda of Biometric tracking systems and RFID chips being implemented in UK and US schools. In the final hour we will be rejoined by Basil Valentine live from his US tour to talk about Obama vs Putin, and Britain’s pedophile problem and the new FBI-style 'NCA' secret police force. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_24.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:42pm CST |