21st Century Wire's Podcast

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR as Patrick Henningsen is joined by co-host Mike Robinson from the UK Column to discuss all of the top stories from the US, Europe, the Middle East and globally. This week we discuss the recent jailing of whistleblower Chelsea Manning for refusing to turn on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and what this means to the free press going forward, and also we look at the electrical blackout in Venezuela, the geopolitical implications of last week’s botched OPCW Report on the alleged ‘Chemical Attack’ in Douma, Syria in 2018, and we also look back at the career of actor Jan Michael-Vincent who passed away in Feb. In the second hour we’ll be joined by guest Teodrose Fikre, editor of the Ghion Journal to discuss the current battle being waged by the US political system against Congresswomen Ilhan Omar over the issue of “antisemitism” and how the political establishment and its Zionist elements are attempting to conflate this term with criticism of Zionism or the policies of Israel – and why this might have grave implications for basic American Constitutional principles of free speech and political expression. All this and much more. Enjoy the show…

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The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com.