21st Century Wire's Podcast

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II met with members of Privy Council at her Balmoral residence, and accepted a prorogue, or suspension of Parliament for the period between September 9 to October 14. As a result, new Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now facing a significant anti-Brexit revolt from opposition within his own party, as well as Labour, Liberal Democrat, Greens and the Scottish National Party (SNP).

The following segment was recorded on Wednesday afternoon right after the big announcement with By All Means Necessary co-hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon who spoke with Patrick Henningsen, writer, global affairs analyst, and co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire to talk about UK Queen Elizabeth approving Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to suspend the British parliament, if the UK is facing a Constitutional crisis, and the theatrics behind Johnson’s latest Brexit moves ahead of the next general election. In this interview, Henningsen accurately predicted a substantial “royal backlash” from Britain’s political left which seems to have arrived sooner than expected – by evening time #AbolishTheMonarchy was the top trending UK hashtag on Twitter. Expect a rough road ahead.

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Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:11am CST