Tue, 27 February 2018
The Minneapolis Super Bowl has come and gone (with an unfortunate result, but whatever), but I'm still interested in the economic effect the much ballyhooed "Big Game" had on local businesses -- especially those of the eating and drinking variety. To help us get the specifics, we brought in my guy Dan DeBaun (@mspbjDeBaun) of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal to run through the fallout from the Super Bowl, as well as talk a little Vikings, and what the new Vikings HQ in Eagan will mean for the Southeast Metro. All that and more "Not A Businessman, I'm A Business, Man" chatter on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast! A Carlson Digital Joint Twitter: http://twitter.com/purpleforthewin Bookmark us on Amazon & show some love! http://purpleftw.com/amazon Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is |