Fri, 29 April 2016
In Episode 106 of the Just Japan Podcast, host Kevin O'Shea chats with returning guest Pee Jay about figure skating in Japan. Some people may be surprised to learn that figure skating is one of the most popular fan sports in Japan and its' fans are intensely loyal. No matter where you go in the world to see a major skating event it's safe to say there will be a large contingent of Japanese fans there. Pee Jay, an avid figure skating fan himself talks about the fan culture, well-known skaters like Asada Mao and Hanyu Yuzaru as well as why the sport is so popular. (new home online) Shownotes/Website:
Direct download: JustJapanPodcast106JapanLovesFigureSkating.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:34pm HKT |