Fri, 8 July 2016
In Episode 114 of the Just Japan Podcast, host Kevin O'Shea chats with professional comic writer (manga writer) Sean Michael Wilson. Sean is originally from the U.K., but now calls Kumamoto, Japan home. He talks about how he became a comic book writer in the U.K. and how he became a manga writer in Japan. How does the publishing industry work in Japan? How can you get your foot in the door as a foreign writer or artist? If you've ever daydreamed about being a comic writer or artist in Japan, then this is the episode for you! Sean also talks about the earthquake recovery in Kumamoto, Japan. Kevin talks about the end of rainy season in Japan, the successful t-shirt campaign, a new Just japan Podcast newsletter email mailing list and a BONUS story (recorded in 2010) at the end of the podcast! Just Japan Podcast:
Direct download: JustJapanPodcast114WritingMangaInJapan.m4a
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 8:51pm HKT |