Just Japan Podcast
Just Japan Podcast 116: Pokemon Go is a NO in Japan!

In Episode 116 of the Just Japan Podcast, host Kevin O'Shea chats with returning guest Andrew Higgins about the lack of Pokemon Go in Japan! Weeks after being released in the United States and other countries, the wildly popular game Pokemon Go is still (as of July 20th) unavailable in Japan, the birthplace of Pokemon. Andrew and Kevin chat about the game in general, talk about release date rumours and vent their general frustration in not being able to play the game the world is talking about!

Just Japan Podcast:
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Email: justjapanpodcast@gmail.com

Direct download: JustJapanPodcast116PokemonGoIsANoInJapan.m4a
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 7:47pm HKT