Just Japan Podcast

In Episode 156 of the podcast, host Kevin O'Shea chats with Felicity Tillack from wherenextjapan.com. Felicity is an Australian photographer, content creator and teacher who just finished a 6 month stint working in a Buddhist temple on Mount Koya (Koyasan) in Japan. She talks about her incredible experiences working in a kitchen at a temple, the interesting people she met and how challenging it was. Felicity also talks about wherenextjapan.com, a great place to go to get some amazing Japan content!


My new nature photography site:
Bugs of Asia:

Just Japan Podcast:
Home: http://justjapanstuff.com
RSS Feed: http://justjapan.libsyn.com/rss
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jlandkev
Instagram: http://instagram.com/jlandkev
Email: justjapanpodcast@gmail.com

Japan Podcast Network:

Episodes 1-155 can be found here:

Direct download: JustJapanPodcast156WorkingInATemple.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27pm HKT