Nov 21, 2017
Alex Ritson is on the show to dive into two recent recent
papers; one investigating the theories of dynamic fat loss models,
and the other looking at the effect of low-rep vs. high-rep
training for hypertrophy and strength.
Papers Discussed in this Episode
Paper 1: Silva et al., 2017 - Do Dynamic Fat and Fat-Free...
Nov 14, 2017
Nutritionist Alessandro Ferretti discusses data he has collected that may inform us as to the inflammatory response to diet and lifestyle, using markers such as blood glucose, heart rate variability and Alessandro's metric of "HRV/BG Index".
Nov 7, 2017
Brandon has a PhD in Muscle Biology and is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow researching muscle physiology related to hypertrophic adaptations. He is a published author or peer-reviewed research. In addition to his prowess in academia, Brandon is well-respected and experience in the practical side of things; being a...
Nov 1, 2017
Greg Nuckols is on the show to review two recent research
papers; one looking at concurrent training and the interference
effect, and the other looking at the fat-free mass index in
Greg Nuckols is the founder of, a website
that provides comprehensive information...