Something Ventured -- Silicon Valley Podcast
#69 Canadian VC and Startups w/Lylan Masterman

In honor of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's visit to the US, we talk to Lylan Masterman about Canada Venture Capital and Startups.  Lylan is an investor with White Star Capital which invests across the Atlantic.  Canadian tech -- turns out it's a much bigger topic than one might imagine.  After a botched podcast opening (he did work at aQuantive and went to Kellogg, not so much Merrill Lynch).  The VC ecosystem in Waterloo, Toronto, Montreal etc. are discussed.  Trends in VC and startups there, successful Canadian companies, and more.  Also discussed are the impacts of changing immigration dynamics on tech talent in Canada.



In the Something Ventured podcast Silicon Valley insider Kent Lindstrom explores the reality behind the Silicon Valley headlines as he sits down with the people who are changing the way we view the world online and beyond.

Direct download: 69_Canada_VC_and_Startups_wLylan_Masterman.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34pm EST