Tue, 30 January 2018
I’m chatting with Louise Green, author of Big Fit Girl. We chat about what is so problematic about the fitness industry and how you can change your relationship to fitness and movement so that it becomes something positive in your life. In this episode, we chat about: - How Louise went from chronic dieter to athlete who embraces her size and is out to show the world that all bodies can realize athletic potential, - How to change your relationship to fitness and movement so that it’s no longer about the weight, - Her advice to someone who wants to start moving their body, but doesn’t enjoy anything, - Do you need to make fitness goals? Why some people can benefit from them, while others cannot, - What to do if you don’t achieve your goals or you feel defeated, - How to break away from all or nothing thinking when it comes to moving your body, - How to work through fear of failure if it’s holding you back from doing things you dream of, - How to make fitness more enjoyable and approachable for your unique situation, - What to look for in a gym or personal trainer, Plus, so much more!