Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen
I’m sharing Laura’s story who was one of the incredible women who worked with me during the You, On Fire program. She talks about how she was consumed with body and food thoughts and had been on and off diets for nearly 3 decades. She shares how she learned to accept her body and how that’s unlocked so many great things in her life. You’ll find all the links mentioned in this podcast at
You, On Fire is the online group coaching program that gives you a step-by-step way of building up self-worth beyond your jean size with personalized coaching from me and lifetime access to the program—so you can break out of the diet culture cage, get free from body shame and live your fiery, free, untamed life.
Go here to get all the details and get on the waitlist:

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Get the free 10-Day Body Confidence Makeover with 10 steps to feel better in your body at
If you're a professional who has clients or students that struggle with body image, get the Body Image Coaching Roadmap for professionals at
Direct download: 296_episode.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 6:00am EST