First Draft with Sarah Enni

Pour a strong drink and leave your denim culottes at home for this conversation with Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, who together make up blogging and writing duo the Fug Girls (of Go Fug Yourself)! We talk about how terrible the new X Files is going to be, hear behind the scenes stories about America’s Next Top Model, talk writing as a team, and ask the universe for an oral history of how Summer '07 was the best time Hollywood gossip ever.


Fug Girls Show Notes

Pamela Ribon

Television Without Pity (previously Mighty Big TV)

Tough Enough (MTV show)

Judging Amy

Wolf Lake (TV show)

Linda Holmes, NPR's pop culture reporter

Richard Glatzer (director, Still Alice)

Morgan Spurlock

Sleepover (movie)

Brooks Barnes (formerly WSJ, New York Times)

The Royals (TV show)

Fug Girls articles on The Toast

Direct download: Heather_Cocks_and_Jessica_Morgan_the_Fug_Girls_2.m4a
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:59pm PST