The Very Dental Podcast Network

The ketodontist is back again this week and this time we're talking hot tech items.

Matt has made a ton of investments for his practice including:

  • intra-oral scanners Carestream and Itero
  • mills
  • ceph
  • 3d printers

Kevin theorizes that we may actually be living inside the Matrix.   We should have an entire episode on this.

Zach wonders if he's even practicing the same profession as Matt and Kevin because at lot of these high tech words are just beyond his tech scope... can't we have an episode on class 1 resins?

Matt makes dentistry seem extremely cool, if tech toys make the practice of dentistry interesting, fun, or more precise and predicable for you, this is the episode for you!

Thanks for listening and check us out on the Clinical Hacks Facebook Page for more information.

Direct download: CHP83_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST