The Very Dental Podcast Network

Alan is joined by the incomparable Dr. Melissa Zettler to talk about horrible customer service. What can we learn from the lousy service you get from almost everywhere? Does everyone suck at their job? (spoiler: yes) There are simple things we can make sure our office does well to avoid being the topic of an angry podcast!

Some links from the show:

Dental Support Specialties

It’s a weird fact of being a dentist...some patients don’t think they can come to the dentist without having some kind of insurance or benefits.  Instead of lamenting this fact, why not lean into it? Why not give them benefits? That’s where our friends at Boomcloud come in. BoomCloud has been helping people create and run membership plans in their offices since 2013. You need to check out Boomcloud for yourself. Jordan and our friends have put together the “Ultimate starter guide” for membership plans at

Microcopy Dental has always been the place to get the most amazing single patient use burs anywhere. But have you ever wondered why a person would want to go the "single patient use" route? Microcopy is offering 2 hours of free CE about this very issue at! You'll see why dental burs should be single patient use for lots of reasons and you can pick up 2 CE's on infection control as well! Go check it out at!


Direct download: ep_54_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST