The Very Dental Podcast Network

Jason and Alan got to talk about Nebraska comfort food (Runza) and how to effectively help your patients pay for bigger case dentistry. Dave Roehr of Proceed Finance sat down with Jason and Alan and told them about how he got into the business of patient finance. It's a pretty great story, actually! Be sure to check out Proceed Finance for your big case/elective dentistry needs!


Our friends at Microcopy Dental have been making Damn Good Burs for more than 50 years! You need to give their single patient use burs a try! You need to request a free sample of their damn good NeoDiamond 1116.8C. It's a work horse round end taper coarse bur for crown preps and operative. It's a terrific bur by any standard, but the fact that it's single patient use means there's no risk of cross contamination and you always get a great cutting, brand-new-out-of-the-package bur. Go check it out at! Let Microcopy's experience change the way you see dentistry with their damn good burs!

Direct download: ep_13_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 12:00am EST