The Very Dental Podcast Network

Welcome back to the show Dr. Tarun Agarwal, DDS

Zach starts off by asking Tarun about some of his Kansas City experiences:

  • Favorite Bar (spoiler alert, one of his choices is Zach's favorite bar)
  • Favorite BBQ Restaurant
  • Favorite casino
  • We settle the debate of Carolina BBQ vs. Kansas City BBQ... FOREVER

Then we get into some hot implant talk:

Dr. Agarwal discusses his 3 step digital clinical workflow for implants and how to price and create payment plans for them.

1) Digital Diagnosis

2) Guided Placement

3) Digital Restoration

We discuss 3D Dentists and their courses

3D Dentists has a new retreat!

Do you want more T-Bone?   and don't forget his podcast T-Bone Speaks!

Have any questions?   Tarun is in the Clinical Hacks facebook page, and you should be as well.


Direct download: CHP87_mixdown-auphonic_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST