The Very Dental Podcast Network

Welcome to season 1, episode 13 of the Clinical Hacks Podcast

This week the gang gave Zach the week off and replaced him with someone way smarter and marginally sexier, Dr. Aly Sergie.

The topic this week was Biomimetic Dentistry.   What?   Strap in and listen to this one as Dr. Sergie drops some knowledge on us.

Highlights include:

- What is biomimetics?

- 5 concepts include:

1)   IDS - Immediate Dentin Sealing

2)  Pulp Caps (direct and indirect)

3)  Partial Coverage Resorations

4)  Fiber Reinforcement

5)  DME - Deep Margin Elevation

- Does Mac do onlays?

-  no

Aly's Six Step Restorative Process includes:

1) Pre-Op

2) Deconstruction

3) Air Abrasion

4) Adhesion - Optibond Solo Plus

5) Reconstruction -  G-Aenial

6) Final Prep/Occlusion

- Aly uses E-Max or LiSi Press for indirect restorations

Mac Jones word count:  45

 If you want to interact with us, head over to the closed Facebook Group Clinical Hacks

We want to produce episodes about the questions you have, it's a great place to post a clinical topic, you don't even have to post a photo!

Direct download: Clinical_Hacks_on_Biomimetics_mixdown_01.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST