The Very Dental Podcast Network

Jason and Alan are joined again by Adam McWethy of Spear Education. When asked "what is it that you actually do here" Adam has some stories to tell. What does all that Spear/Cerecdoctors stuff look like to a guy who isn't a dentist, but works closely with all the amazing clinicians out there? It's an interesting, funny and somewhat profane look at dental CE and dentists who are trying to do better!

Some links from the show: 

Spear Education Online

The Seattle Protocol

This week's Clinical Hack of the Week is from JLips himself. Jason's been studying up on Dr. Jeff Rouse's "Seattle Protocol" using the Mytap device to help develop a treatment plan for adult airway treatment! He's also using Thermacryl beads, which is how he makes his provisionals, to reline these devices.

The Dental Hacks Nation closed Facebook group has almost 25,000 members! Head over there to interact with other Dental Hacks listeners, guests and Brain Trust members every day, all day! Remember…if you don’t have anything “dental” on your FB page, we might decline your membership request. So IM the group or email us at!

Go check out the Dental Success Network! Jason and Alan are part of this amazing 3 pronged network: social network, CE network and buying network! Sign up and let them know the Dental Hacks sent you by using our code: DHN!

The courses offered by Cosmedent in Chicago are second to none! They have a new course called "Excellence in Direct Anterior Restorations" taught by Dr. Dipesh Parmar! Check out the course at and check out Dr. Parmar in these videos!

 Go Hack Yourself:

Jason: Dialogflow

Alan: "Brown noise" on the Amazon Echo

If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email at or find us (and like us!) at Or, if you prefer…give us a call at (866) 223-5257 and leave us a message. You might be played in the show! If you like us, why not leave us a review on iTunes? It helps us get found by like minded people and might even help us get into “What’s Hot” in the iTunes store! Go to this link and let the world know about the DentalHacks! Finally, if you aren’t an Apple person, consider reviewing us on Stitcher at:!

If you would like to support the podcast you can check out our Patreon page! Although the show will always remain free to download, our Patreon supporters get access to special bonus content including (at least) one extra podcast episode every months! Also be sure to check out the Dental Hacks swag store where you can find t-shirts, stickers coffee mugs and all sorts of other things that let the world know you’re a part of the Hacks Nation


Direct download: Dental_Hacks_ep_203.mp3
Category:dental -- posted at: 5:00am EST