Jan 25, 2018
This Too Shall Pass, History Segment: Collect Calls, Social Media and Anger, Lenscrafter Survey, Jesus Treats Everyone the Same, Survival School, Punch a Bear, Wrong Images of God, Breaking Animal News, Listener Uniforms, God Gave You a Soul, Social Tip, Addicted to Self-Righteousness;
“Somehow we’ve...
Jan 24, 2018
Breaking Animal News, Marriage, Patriotic Super Bowl, Welcome to the Show, Arby’s Oreo, Valentine’s Day Tip, Pride, No Crocodile Dundee, Forgiveness, The Patriots and the Refs, Advice for Awkward Guys, Nerd Air, Marriage and Driving, Brant Falls on Stage, Coaching Not Judging;
“Chickens like...
Jan 18, 2018
Whining About the Cold, It’s So Cold, Self-control. Women’s Eating Patterns, Hope, Anxiety/Courage, Repentance, Breaking Animal News, Relationship with God, Crying in Japan, The Cold, The Royal Wedding;
“If I weren’t a believer I’d be a dark guy on the banks of France with a beret jauntily...
Jan 17, 2018
Best Age, Jesus and Your Tweet, Blue Monday, Talk to Babies, The Other Guy in the NFL, Hawaii Emergency, Brant and Sherri Dynamic, The Greatest in the Kingdom, Restoration, The Misfits Tour, Consultants, Sci-Fi Question: A Big Portrait of You;
“My vocabulary will grow and metastasize over time.”
Jan 12, 2018
Listener Uniform, Little Faith/Big God, Welcome to the Show, Uber Driver, Breaking Animal news, Shock Jock. Your Value, Toothbrush Game, Soul Searching, Quit Whining, Philosophy of Life, Vocal Inflections, Humility, Not Feeling God;
“If you have a little faith in a big God it means everything.”