Nov 26, 2019
Worst Jobs, Butterfly Counting, Being Thankful, National Day, Asperger’s, Holiday Hottake, Confession, Distraction, Holiday Travel, Hope, Thanksgiving Politics, BONUS CONTENT: Kids Nowadays;
“I need coffee to figure out how to make my own coffee.”
“One of the healthiest things you can do is confess your...
Nov 25, 2019
Mismatched with Good, Meant to Smile, Burn Calories Non-Traditionally, In a Hurry, Holiday Travel, BONUS CONTENT: Ask Brant and Sherri - How Christians Define Themselves;
“You’re supposed to throw yourself between me and the microphone.”
“A creator looks obvious because it is.”
“My dancing is Russian...
Nov 22, 2019
Breaking Animal News, Jesus and Politics, Jesus and Busyness, Take it from the hotel, Radio Guy Fighting Crime, Social Tip, Jesus & Judas, History Segment, Favorite Thing, Needy Soul;
“Is your job description bigger than Jesus’?”
“Busyness is almost a point of pride.”
“A radio host could be fighting...
Nov 21, 2019
What is Love, Honesty Cafe, Friendship, Where to Put Your Value, Alien Planet, Download Fitness App, Brant & Clooney, Welcome’s to the Show, No Politics Zone, BONUS CONTENT: Giving Tuesday;
“If you think this is bad you should see what didn’t make the cut.”
“Love is rooting for someone to be the best...
Nov 20, 2019
God As I Am, Stop Busyness, Joke Spa, Airplane Conversations, NEW FEATURE: Holiday Hot Take Zone, Breaking Animal News, Touching God, IKEA Labyrinth, Non-Anxious Voice;
“I’ve never really paid that much attention to Rod Stewart.”
“Parsley doesn’t have an aroma.”
“You actually think there are only 2...