Feb 25, 2021
Parents-God-Refuge, Breaking Animal News, Just Sayin, God Wants You, Dirty Cars, Church, The Coffee Study, Bad English Accent and Scripture, Contentment, No Handshakes, The Irish Accent, Farmville, Crayola-berries, Brant's Facial Hair, Dear Future Me;
“God wanted you to exist and wanted you for this...
Feb 24, 2021
Breaking Animal News, Driving In The Snow, Emojis and Kids, Masterclass, Brant’s 3 Things, BONUS CONTENT: Ravi Zacharias;
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
“The kids have finally come around to my side.”
“I will accept spices and exotic animals.”
“It’s the long march of...
Feb 23, 2021
Traffic Incident, Hands-Off Parenting, Counseling, Overused Phrases, Breaking Animal News, BONUS CONTENT: Back In The Studio;
“Iron Man was always ready with a quip.”
“It may, in fact, be time to put your big boy pants on.”
“There’s a symbiotic relationship between coyotes and badgers.”
Feb 15, 2021
Religious Upbringing, Masterclass, The Grace Of God, Flexibility, Love Your Enemy, Breaking Animal News, Distinct, Help My Unbelief, Fundraisers When You’re A Kid, Your Job As A Ministry, BONUS CONTENT: Dilemma Street…Working Wife;
“There’s peace and joy on the other side of disappointment.”
“The snake...
Feb 12, 2021
Feeling God Around, No Posing, Choking AirPods, Hang Up The Phone, Shock Jock Take It All In, Loving People, Beauty And Sadness, BONUS CONTENT: Swimming In The Cultural Waters;
“Let’s get the live truck over here.”
“We need someone buzzing about the show in the public square.”
“If I don’t love...