Build Your Tribe | Grow Your Business with Social Media

Today Chalene will break down the team she has behind some of her streams of incomes and why it is important to hire help. Here is what you will learn:

  1. Importance of Hiring Help for Business Growth
  2. Benefits of Bringing on Part-Time, Temporary Consultants Instead of Employees
  3. Chalene Breaks Down Team Behind Five Business Streams
  4. Rachel's Role as Full-Time Team Member: Assisting with Managing Chalene's ADHD
  5. Why Virtual Teams Work
  6. Majority of the Team is Virtual
  7. Consultants as Cost-Saving Solutions: Chatgpt's Role in Copywriting
  8. Full-Time Affiliate Manager: Working on Social Media and Business Centers
  9. Program Directors: In Charge of Reporting and Improving Performance
  10. Consultants for Almost Everything: Copywriting, Design, Social Media, and Advertising
  11. Investment Portfolio Team: Consultants including Bookkeeper, Financial Advisor, and CPA
  12. Hiring Temporary Part-Time Consultants: Chalene's Recommendation for Business Growth.


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Check out these past episodes on Hiring:


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XOXO Chalene