Tue, 16 April 2019
How Tik Tok is Changing Social Media and Why You Should Be on it with Brock Johnson | Quick Tip Tuesday - 283
TikTok is the fastest growing social media app in the last quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019, formerly known as Musical.ly. It's absolutely blowing up, and it's super fun. Brock wanted to just take a quick moment to talk to you about it because it's a way to build your tribe. Is it for everyone? No. But then again, no social media is right for everyone. He's going to give you the total perspective on TikTok, how to best use it, who's it for, what are the demographics, and even some ideas on how you can use TikTok to leverage new followers on other platforms!
Here is the TikTok App: https://www.tiktok.com
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Here’s The System I Use Every Day to be More Organized & Crazy Productive: Brock’s Tik Tok course: http://www.teachtiktok.com Find Brock Johnson on YouTube & subscribe by searching Brock11Johnson.tv in your browser and clicking subscribe! Find Brock on Instagram: @Brock11Johnson Hey! Send me a tweet & tell me what you think about the show! (Use the Hashtag) #Build Your Tribe so I know you’re a homie!
Direct download: BYT_Tik_Tok_quick_tip_Tues__4-15-2019_PA_edit.mp3
Category:Business, Technology, Education -- posted at: 2:00am PDT |