Jan 22, 2020
On this episode of The Chalene Show, you’re in for a real treat as Chalene chats with, fellow podcaster, Lori Harder (Earn Your Happy Podcast). This conversation was an additional piece from their recent interview on Lori’s podcast and, because the topic is one they’re both super passionate about, we included it for you here! What's the ever intriguing subject? Communication! Look, how you communicate with others will determine how they perceive and receive you. And, not to mention, has the ability to make or break any type of relationship. Get ready for an enlightening dialogue that feels much more like a good talk between friends than an interview!
Thank you to our sponsor Fabletics!!!
Links from today’s episode:
Stop dieting & start living: www.131Method.com
Get the 131 Book!!!
Here’s The System I Use Every Day to be More Organized & Crazy Productive: www.pushjournal.com
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XOXO Chalene