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The Chalene Show | Diet, Fitness & Life Balance

Apr 30, 2018

This one is for fellow podcast junkies - a rundown of the TOP podcasts of 2018. These are Chalene’s all time favorite shows, in her opinion the best podcasts of 2018, in the Health, Business, Entertainment and Personal Development categories as of Spring 2018. Podcasts are like brain food.

Stop dieting & start living:...

Apr 27, 2018

Are you struggling to figure out how to help someone you love help themselves? Whether that means getting healthier, breaking a bad habit, or changing their attitude, in this Car Smart episode, Chalene shares her top do’s and don’ts to inspire a positive change without discouraging or pushing away someone you care...

Apr 23, 2018

Tired? Need more energy? If you feel completely exhausted at the end of the day, yet you spent most of it sitting on your butt, this show is for you! There’s a very specific reason why you’re so tired and have no energy or motivation to workout or be productive. In this episode, Chalene shares a talk from her...

Apr 20, 2018

Strength training vs. cardio! Which is most effective for fat loss, weight loss and overall health? The answer might surprise you! In this Car Smart episode, Chalene takes on your most frequently asked questions about strength training and cardio, and she debunks some major myths about exercise. Want to look and...

Apr 16, 2018

How do you feel about feedback or criticism? Does negative feedback make you defensive, embarrassed or even angry? Chalene thinks you should get excited when you have the opportunity to receive feedback especially negative feedback. In this episode Chalene shares with you why she feels negative feedback or criticism is...