Jul 9, 2020
We've covered quite a few music related topics on the podcast. HGB has featured Ernestine and Hazel's Juke Joint, Bobby Mackey's Music World and the Cincinnati Music Hall and we've talked about the life and afterlife of Patsy Cline, John Lennon and Elvis Presley. Bonus episodes have featured haunted instruments, Gram Parsons and the Devil's Chord. We thought it would be interesting to do an episode on haunted music as a whole. This obviously won't be exhaustive, but we are going to delve into haunted radio stations, recording studios, buses and jukeboxes. We'll also look at the elements of music that lead to hauntings and curses. And wow, does music have some curses! The Moment in Oddity was suggested by Darren Koch and features Paris' open-air urinals helping to defeat the Nazis and This Month in History features the birth of Chris Cornell.
Check out the website: http://historygoesbump.com
Show notes can be found here:
Become an Executive Producer: http://patreon.com/historygoesbump
The following music is from https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/:
"Vanishing" by Kevin MacLeod (Moment in Oddity)
"In Your Arms" by Kevin MacLeod (This Month in History)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
All other music licensing: PODCASTMUSIC.COM License Synchronization, Mechanical, Master Use and Performance Direct License for a Single Podcast Series under current monthly subscription.
Going Mad by Strike Audio
Twisted Lifestyle by Strike Audio
Theremin Comedy by Comedy Express
Horns Dissonant Tones
Gallows Gate (Danse Macbre) by 5 Alarm Music
Prowl Full by Chris Neeser and Pat Kelly