A Swift Kick In The Ass

Lifelong childhood friends Tom Stewart and John Curren discuss the problem of self doubt and how to handle it on A Swift Kick In The Ass podcast episode 75.

Doubting our actions and thoughts. David Brinkley say a success is one that can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at us. Why middle school and high school is such a formative time in our lives. John and Tom discuss the effect of bullies and how those memories remain even into adulthood almost like software that is programmed on a computer.

How even family and friends unknowingly add to our self doubt. John remembers a lady who challenged him in his early years of college after he almost flunked out his first year.

John and Tom give some recommendations on how to overcome self doubt.

Find out more on http://www.aswiftkickintheass.com
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Direct download: ASKITA075.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 8:07pm EST

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