Wed, 5 November 2014
48 Laws Of Power Special Feature - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast hosts Tom Stewart and John Curren present a special edition of ASKITA with a review Robert Greene’s national best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power”: Law # 9 Win through your actions, never argument Topics Covered: Just because you are smart and probably right, does not always mean you should argue your point to those who will never grasp your reasoning. Sometimes it is better to let the fool learn the hard way. An engineer in the ancient world should of heeded this law which would have spared his life. Convincing others by tricking them, how to cover your tracks when a roach climbs on your dates shoulder in a roach infested car and how Michelangelo used perspective rather than argument to win. How to apply Law # 9 to preserve your position of power with out jeopardizing yourself. Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!
Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA015_Special_Feature_-_The_48_Laws_Of_Power_-_Win_Through_Your_Actions_-_Never_Arguement.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 11:31am EST