A Swift Kick In The Ass

 This episode will make your dick look bigger.  The more weight you lose, the bigger it looks.  John and Tom discuss the mental and physical strategies for getting started getting in shape.  The first two of the four cornerstones are discussed, Mind and Body.  This is the first part of a two part series discussing the four cornerstones Mind, Body, Purpose and Potential.  Blunt humor and authenic rapport between two friends on how to regain what is lost due to age and lack of activity.  The first step is to take action and make a commitment with an accountability partner that can hold your ass to the fire.  Why Tom and John began the podcast and a hint at part 2 that will speak about Podcast Florida, an event put on by Jared Easely (Starve The Doubts) and Lou Mongello(Walt Disney World Radio Podcast).  Good stuff to come to help inspire others.


Go to www.aswiftkickintheass.com to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe!


Watch this episode on YouTube at:  http://youtu.be/TzycXEZMm4U

Direct download: ASKITA021_Boot_To_The_Ass_Part_1.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 11:33pm EST

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