Thu, 9 April 2015
Life long friends Tom Stewart and John Curren interview cancer survivor Nick Miller. Nick has just had his fifteen minutes of fame after an encounter with his idol Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Nick spotted the Rock driving home after a workout at the gym and follwed him trying to get Dwayne's attention. The Rock stopped his truck and got out to meet his fans not expecting to find an enthusiastic teen who had just beat cancer for the 2nd time. The Rock was brought to tears after listening to Nick's story and posted the video of their encounter on instagram. On Easter, the Rock reposted the picture of them together on Facebook and wrote about how touched he was knowing he was Nick's role model that helped him get through chemo and stem cell transplants. The post has gone viral and has had over 3.3 million likes and 152 thousand shares. Every major entertainment outlet has jumped all over the story. We are the only ones to bring you the rest of Nick's story. God bless him. For anyone looking to contact Nick for further interviews contact him at We also demonstrated the Chirp app which uses audio signals to transmit data. We sent out the link to Nick and The Rock's picture along with Dwayne's recap of the story. We also sent Tom and Nick's Breaking Bad impersonation picture. Other links mentioned in the podcast: The Chirp app : Our new project to help others build a viable business around their experience using podcasting, video, blogging and social media can be found at Ask us questions via Go to to submit voicemail questions you would like answered on the show via speak pipe! Watch this episode on YouTube at:
Direct download: ASKITA028_The_Kid_That_Made_The_Rock_Cry.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 11:02pm EST