A Swift Kick In The Ass

Childhood friends Tom Stewart and John Curren discuss breaking bad habits and establishing good habits. Episode 39 of A Swift Kick In The Ass podcast. Tom reveals how he recently broke his most powerful addiction...Diet Coke! 27 years of 6 or more cans of Diet Coke a day. The decision to quit came after years of his family questioning how many diet sodas he consumed on a regular basis.  John discusses the challenge he faced quitting cigarettes.  How easy it is to fall back into habits. How to adapt your exercise routine to change with your aging life style. Using the simple goal setting technique to take small steps to make lasting change. Making measurable goals and tracking progress.

Find out more on http://www.aswiftkickintheass.com
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Direct download: ASKITA039.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

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