A Swift Kick In The Ass

Lifelong childhood friends Tom Stewart and John Curren discuss implementing last episodes idea of "A Minute Of Your Time". How to create time to make a positive change in your life. It is time management but not in the stuffy corporate way we are used to. Making time for yourself first and making time to improve your relationships and the quality of your life.

It is time management but not in the stuffy corporate way we are used to. Making time for yourself first and making time to improve your relationships and the quality of your life.

Learn how Tom is improving his relationship with his wife and is getting into the best shape of his life using this simple principle. John reiterates how he got out of 240 thousand dollars in debt by implementing these tactics.

How can you use this principle to make a positive change in your life?

Find out more on http://www.aswiftkickintheass.com
—-Listen to the podcast on iTunes—

Direct download: ASKITA080.mp3
Category:self help -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

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