The Tom Woods Show

This conversation with Marc Clair of Lions of Liberty is top notch. He asked all kinds of great questions and kept the conversation hopping. We covered everything from my intellectual evolution to war, nullification (on which he asked me a question that I had to admit I didn’t have a great answer for!), podcasting, and more. Have a listen!

Podcast Featured

Lions of Liberty (websiteiTunes linkStitcher linkPodbean)

Book Recommendation

Ron Paul, The Revolution: A Manifesto


Books Mentioned

Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion, by Tom Woods
Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, by Tom Woods

Special Offers

Like the new It was designed by my friends at Studio 1 Design. They’ve agreed to give my listeners 10% off any design project through this special link.

Bob Murphy is joining the faculty of my Liberty Classroom this year! We’ve got 12 courses you can download at your convenience, with more to come, that teach you the history and economics we didn’t learn in school. Use coupon code SHOW (in all caps) for a special discount! Click here to get started.

Direct download: woods_01_06_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 5:25pm EST