Fri, 20 August 2021
COVID caused a lot of disruption in the form of shutdowns, but something that was always available in North America was grocery stores. However, there were some small island states such as Cape Eleuthera that did not know if their food was coming via shipping boats. Luckily it was only temporary. During that time, people looked to the sea to provide food without regard for catch limits and quotas. People were searching for food and needed to eat, so catch sizes were not on their minds. Dr. Nick Higgs noticed this behaviour and decided to study how many conchs were affected by this temporary food shortage. Nick is on the podcast today to discuss his new paper and the results of the study. We also discuss what this could mean for conservation. Connect with Dr. Nick Higgs:
Direct download: SUFB_S1199_FishingForFoodWithDrNickHiggs.mp3
Category:Fisheries -- posted at: 12:00am EST |