Sat, 8 September 2018
How do you get rid of an invasive species (lionfish) that has reeked havoc on coral reefs along the east coast of the US and in the Caribbean? You build a killer robot of course!!! Students from the Worecester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)have creator an autonomous underwater vehicle that can identify lionfish, spear them and float the fish to the Ocean surface. Pretty cool, right? Check out the podcast to find out how it's done. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Do you think the robot will help eliminate invasive lionfish? Let me know in the Facebook Group. We are building an inline podcasting network to encourage Ocean Awareness and Action. If you like what we are doing, you can join our Patreon Community to support our mission.
Direct download: SUFB_S560_RobotBuiltToHuntInvasiveLionfish.mp3
Category:Lionfish -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT |