Mon, 29 October 2018
No more new Marine Mammal Captivity in Canada according to Bill S-203 that passed in the Senate last week. The Ban will including captivity and breeding programs in any facility in Canada. Marine Mammal Captivity has been very controversial for decades, but the Blackfish documentary increased the push of the movement to stop Marine Mammal Captivity in marine-themed parks. Scientists, Activists, Advocates and Policy Makers have been working tirelessly to ban captive marine mammals all over the world. Canada is just another country that has hopped aboard the movement. The Bill targets two facilities in Canada, The Vancouver Aquarium and Marineland. The former facility has changed its policies on Marine Mammal captivity in the recent years after it stood up for its educational and conservation purpose; however, protesters and members put enough pressure for the facility to give in. Marineland has yet to give up the fight. It says that banning captivity of marine mammals will shutdown the park and put local residents out of jobs; however, SeaWorld has undergone a huge and profitable transformation after the pressure of the public against its captive program took place and now markets towards other attractions such as rides and free beer. What do you think will happen to these facilities? Let me know in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience.
Direct download: SUFB_S610_MarineMammalsCapitivityBannedInCanada.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT |