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21st Century Work Life

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Feb 12, 2016

In today's episode, Pilar talks to Joanna Penn about writing and self-publishing in the 21st Century and being an indie author. 


Check out the recordings of the Working in Virtual Teams webinar series.

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Virtual not Distant Bitesize

04:50mins Today's bitesize is dedicated nurturing team creativity in virtual teams.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Saros Virtual Team Practice

Follow this link to register with Saros Research.

10:35mins "We like to share refreshments at a team meeting and set a calendar reminder 15 minutes warning before a hangout, so everyone can get their coffee and biscuits ready wherever they are."

16:10mins Working Out Loud - extracts from "Co-Writing a Book" the book by Joanna Penn and J Lyons. Learning about each other through sharing our work process.

The Conversation with Joanna Penn

We're in the Renaissance of the creator.

20:15mins Joanna puts "authorpreneurship" in context.

Indie authors are a natural evolution as we change the way in which we work.

The long tail and low-cost of self-publishing.

The author is no longer a lonely creator...

Audio and foreign sales.

We talk about how much we love the Kindle!

I couldn't run my business without technology.

If anyone wants a great piece of software to write books in, use Scrivener.
Joanna mentions Dragon Dictate.
Joanna's fiction work and how she has changed as a writer.

You are the wrong person to trust your work.

The shift in mindset from a hobbyist to professional.

Joanna's virtual collaboration with J. Thorn.

The future of writing.

Self-Publishing Success Course

Check out Joanna's blog and podcast for information and inspiration!