Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents
YESTalk-12- NLP Communication Strategies - Embedded Commands

Do you want to know how to get more listing appointments?  More clients?  More people to say “yes” to you?  Embedded commands are an amazingly powerful and effective influence strategy when used correctly. 

An “embedded command is, just like it sounds, a command that is embedded inside of a question…or statement that subconsciously gives an order to the brain to think or do a certain thing.  . 

Embedded commands are a tool, like a knife.  A knifce can be used to do good or evil. NLP strategies can be used to manipulate for selfish or unethical reasons…which makes you a con-artist (i.e. evil).  Or they can be used to help someone make a good decision, which makes you a more effective leader and problem-solver for someone who can benefit from your help (i.e. good). 

1. Be inviting.  Not insisting. 
2. Be confident.  Not desperate. 

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