Thu, 31 October 2019
If you know what to say in a conversation with a motivated buyer or seller, the chances of getting a “Yes” and inspiring the hire improve dramatically. But if you don’t know HOW to say it the scripts won’t work. What does it take to get Yes and win in real estate? Skills. No matter how great your scripts are, without skills, you won’t succeed. So, how do you get skills? PRACTICE....practicing real estate scripts by roleplaying and training with skilled people over and over again. Get The Book Of Yes scripts here, join the YesMasters Facebook community, and post that you’re looking for skilled role play partners (Type #roleplay in the post). Confidence. You gain confidence by getting skills and experience. When you show your leads and clients that you believe in yourself, it tells them that you’re good and gives them confidence in you. Consistency. Take action. No matter how confident or skilled you are, if you don’t take action and talk to people, you won’t get any business. Be consistent with prospecting, lead generation, lead follow up, and building relationships. The Book of Yes is a roadmap, not a shortcut. You have to put in the work. Increase your skills, confidence, and consistency of action, then you’ll get a lot of business and win. Remember to get your copy of "The Book of YES" at and join our YESmasters Facebook Community to find great role play partners. Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-164-_Real_Estate_Scripts_Arent_Enough.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am PST |