Apr 25, 2024
On this episode of "The Strange Reality with Dave Emmons," my guest is Steven Myers. It was recorded on 3-14-24. Steven discusses his new book "Pharaoh's Pump Analyzed: Examining the Research of Edward J. Kunkel. The book tells how the Great Pyramid was really built. He tells us about the advanced technology used by the ancients, which was lost throughout history. Steven talks about the alternative theories like ETs helped build the Great Pyramids and he feels that the ancient people had their own technology to create the highly technical structures. He feels that the highly advanced technologies the ancients had developed can vastly improve our modern but troubled world. Steven says that the Pyramids were used as power stations utilizing pumped water systems. Steven is the author of three books. His first was Lost Technologies of the Great Pyramid, and his second was The Great Pyramid Prosperity Machine. Steven is a Lecturer, and independent researcher, and has studied the Great Pyramid for over twenty years. Stevens's books are sold on Amazon or visit the website www.ThePump.org. He is also the Lead researcher with the Pharaoh's Pump Foundation.