
CONSISTENT by Primal Potential

Why are we so stressed & overwhelmed? Why do we have clear & compelling goals but fail to reach them? How can we want to change so desperately yet make choices that keep us from that change? Because we keep focusing on the habits we want instead of building the skill of consistency that allows us to achieve them. Consistency is a skill. It's a superpower. It isn't one-size-fits all. It unlocks any door and makes every goal achievable. A more effective, realistic approach starts here.
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CONSISTENT by Primal Potential













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Now displaying: 2018
Dec 31, 2018

It's the final episode of 2018 and today I'm sharing my process of reflecting on the past year and creating priorities and plans for the one to come. A year-end review is something I've come to love and enjoy at the end of every year. In fact, I've been doing a month-end review for the last several months and I absolutely plan to continue.

Join me today to not only hear the structure I follow in these reviews, but also for my reflection on 2018 and my personal and professional plans for the new year!

Before we dive into the episode: today I shared an opportunity for you to take a sneak peak inside the winter 12 Weeks to Transformation! While the podcast is mostly about information and strategy, the 12 WT is all about action. It's about getting off the sidelines, into the game, and returning to action every day. In addition to weekly challenges, a guided daily journal, a private Facebook group and weekly live Q&As, I also share short daily coaching audio messages to help you return to your intentions each day, no matter what's going on in your life. Want to experience 5 days of those short coaching messages? Share your email address here and you'll get coaching messages right to your inbox for the next 5 days!

>>> Get 5 days of coaching messages delivered right to your inbox <<<<

Questions from Today's Episode: 

  • Reflecting on the past:
    • What am I proud of?
    • What should I be celebrating?
    • What did I accomplish or achieve?
    • What went well?
    • What did I learn?
    • What improvements did I make?
    • What relationships did I strengthen?
  • Reflecting on what's to come:
    • What do I want that I don't yet have?
    • What can I let go of that's no longer serving me?
    • What's been holding me back?
    • What is most important to me? Am I acting like it?
    • How can I think bigger?
    • If I wasn't "playing it safe", what would I want for my life?
    • If everything was possible, what would I go after?
    • What needs to change?
    • How can I make it more fun?
    • How can I use this to build relationships & add connection?
    • How will I keep these ideas top of mind for the weeks and months to come?


Want to join the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation? Secure your spot here! 

Still want to learn more about the 12 WT process? Listen to episode 546 of the Primal Potential Podcast

Related Episodes:

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Dec 27, 2018

You know what to do but you aren't consistently doing it. You're super clear on the problem, but you aren't holding yourself accountable to taking action on creating the solution.

You think about it all the time. You wish things were different. Maybe you're frustrated or sometimes feel disappointed in yourself and your choices.

I have those conversations every single day. This week in particular, I had about dozens of phone calls with current clients and there were 3 strategies that kept coming up again and again. These are strategies to help you get out of your way that make change dramatically (and immediately) easier!

If you feel like you're usually the primary thing holding you back - this episode is totally for you!

Time is running out to register to work with me - every single day - for 12 weeks to kick off 2019. To learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation program, click here. To register, follow this link.


Find out if the 12 Weeks to Transformation is right for you

Grab your spot in the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

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Dec 24, 2018

We are so quick to spread ideas that are negative. We're quick to share about the problems in our lives or the things that upset us, and while I think being open is valuable, I also think it's high time to start spreading some ideas that make us better - that make us happier and healthier while improving all the relationships in our lives (especially the relationships we have with ourselves). How's that for a big 'ol run-on sentence?

In today's episode, I'm sharing 10 powerful thoughts I strongly believe are ideas worth spreading and I hope we'll do just that! I hope we'll practice them, we'll embrace them and we'll share them with people we love by way of our own example.

Do you have an idea you believe is worth spreading? Share it with me by tagging me on Instagram with a picture of this episode playing on your device and tell me what idea you believe is worth spreading!

Here's to creating change, one moment at a time, by embracing these 10 ideas worth spreading!


Register for the Winter 12 Weeks to Transformation!

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation! 

Here's a link to that Instagram post about attitudes in the gym!

Looking to try the Balsamic dressing I mentioned? Make sure you register via this link to save extra! 

Episode 543 - Judgement & Insecurity

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Dec 20, 2018

Not long ago, someone asked me if I'd provide transcripts for the 12 WT weekly challenge webinars. Then, I got a similar question about the format of the 12 Weeks to Transformation. My answer to both requests was the same...

"Is the information in the 12 Weeks to Transformation all videos? If so, is there any way to have a transcript of the content? I don't retain information very well when it is presented verbally. I do much better with the written word."

Here's the deal, my friend. We aren't here to learn. We're here to change. There's a really big difference in those two approaches and many people follow the familiar "learning" path, failing to realize that it's not the same as the "changing" path. 

We're diving into that in today's episode of the podcast and I'll be sharing how I coach clients through the changing process (not the learning process) in my 12 Weeks to Transformation groups.


Register for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Watch the webinar mentioned on today's episode

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Dec 17, 2018

Episode 543 of the podcast was one of the most popular ones to date! By popular demand, we're doing a follow-up episode to talk about how we can improve our responses to what we perceive as judgement from others.

If you want to build self confidence, improve your relationships or simply be a happier version of yourself, this episode is for you. We'll be tackling listener questions about judgement from family members and talking through how we can happily & healthily respond to people who think and act much differently than we do.


Dec 13, 2018

There are 3 things I've just begun practicing to improve both my health and my happiness. In today's episode, I'm sharing them with you and giving some examples of what the practice looks like in my daily life.

I'm already convinced that these will improve my relationships AND increase my productivity and success!

I'd love to know if any (or all) of these 3 resonate with you OR if there are other changes you're working to incorporate into your life and how I can help!


Get on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Join the December 13th 12 WT information webinar!

My favorite mocktail is really simple and you can adjust the ingredients to suit your personal preferences:

  • Sparkling water (plain or flavored, you choose)
  • A splash of apple cider vinegar
  • A sprig of rosemary
  • Squeeze of lemon
  • Handful of whole cranberries

You can find mocktail ideas here as well

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Dec 10, 2018

Insecurity. Fear of what others think. We're going there today, not to have a theoretical discussion, but to talk about strategies and perspectives that will help each one of us stop letting those feelings limit our lives.

It's a choice. We feel those feelings, think those thoughts and face those fears but we don't need to submit to them.

If you have follow-up questions or comments on this topic, I strongly encourage you to DM me on Instagram, email me or comment on the show notes page so we can continue this conversation and start living more fully!


Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Want to learn more about what the 12 WT is and how it works? Listen to episode 515 of the podcast for all the details including who it's for, who it's not for, how much it costs, what's included and more!

Want to give the Thrive Market clean wine line a try? Shop via to try it out and be sure to let me know what you think!

Episode 538: If You're Over 30...

Episode 540: Younger

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Dec 6, 2018

Today I have the great pleasure of talking with Jimmy Moore and his wife Christine (a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) about their newest book, Real Food Keto.

First and foremost, this episode is about far more than ketogenic diets. Even if you aren't a ketogenic eater, you want to listen to this episode.

I was so excited to see a book come on the market that focuses on real food and nutrient density. Sure, there are lots of bars and shakes out there. There are an increasing number of keto cookies and brownies and paleo desserts. In fact, there are so many of these type of things that a lot of people are losing sight of HEALTH.

For the sake of health, longevity, mood, energy and overall wellness, our food choices must be about more than impact on our waist line and overall flavor. Nutrient density matters.

I could rant about this for days and weeks, but instead, let's dive into the conversation with Jimmy & Christine. We have a thoughtful conversation about dietary individuality, myths surrounding ketogenic diets and the critical importance of nutrient density.

If you have questions about this book or want to dive deeper into any of the topics, be sure to leave a comment and let me know!

You can get Real Food Keto on Amazon here.


Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Want to learn more about what the 12 WT is and how it works? Listen to episode 515 of the podcast for all the details including who it's for, who it's not for, how much it costs, what's included and more!

Predominantly Paleo's Paleo Cowboy Chili

More about Jimmy & Christine Moore

Check out Fabletics! Register through and save big on leggings!


Dec 3, 2018

Have you ever heard of the first rule of holes?

I'm happy to share it with you. The first rule of holes is: stop digging.

If you want to create a change in your life, the first thing you have to do is change the way you think. If you want to create a solution in your life, you have to stop arguing for, justifying and reinforcing the problem.

In today's episode, we'll talk through examples and strategies. Don't miss it! If you have follow up questions, be sure to leave a comment here on the show notes page, email me or direct message me on instagram!


Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Want to learn more about what the 12 WT is and how it works? Listen to episode 515 of the podcast for all the details including who it's for, who it's not for, how much it costs, what's included and more!

Episode 539: How I Coach Myself Through Temptation & Apathy

Looking to try out Thrive Market? Register via and you'll save an extra 25% on your first order plus you'll get a free 30-day trial membership!

Here is the wild-caught canned salmon I like from Thrive Market and here's the coconut flour I use as part of the salmon cakes recipe

You can't go wrong with Diane Sanfilippo's recipe for salmon cakes

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Nov 29, 2018

Fact: We all get older.

Myth: Getting older means increased body fat, decreased energy, memory issues, joint pain and chronic illness.

You can age well. You can get or stay lean. You can maintain energy and cognitive function.

Fact: We all have genes.

Myth: Genes determine how you age.

We can control the expression of our genes. We can turn gene expression on or off, up or down, by the way we eat, sleep, move and stress.

It's been a long time since we've done a book review episode but that's exactly what we're doing today! I highly recommend Dr. Sara Gottfried's newest book: Younger.

I'll be sharing some of the highlights from the book along with what changes I'll be making in my own life as a result of reading it.


Younger: A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes and Reverse Aging by Dr. Sara Gottfried

Get on the wait list for the winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

Episode 048: Understanding Epigenetics

Episode 538: If You're Over Age 30...

Learn more about the Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss

Salmon Cakes - 21 Day Sugar Detox

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Nov 26, 2018

I'm not immune to temptation or moments of apathy. I absolutely have moments, days and even weeks where I think thoughts like, "Who cares? What's the point?"

I absolutely have moments (and days) when I want to eat all the things that aren't nailed down.

I'm not different from most people in that regard. However, I might be a little different in how I respond to them.

In today's episode, I'm sharing a simple and powerful strategy I use to win the hard moments in my life.

If you struggle with temptation, apathy or mentally checking out, this is a great episode for you!


Join the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

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Nov 22, 2018

I hope everyone listens to this episode! My friend: once you go beyond the wonderful age of 30, you will lose muscle mass unless you intentionally and consistently work to maintain or increase it.

This rate of muscle loss can range from 3-8% per decade! Think about that! You could have 16% less muscle mass by the age of 50!

Why does this matter?

Contrary to popular belief, this isn't just a cosmetic issue related to body composition. It's not just about strength, balance and mobility.

We need to take action to prevent muscle loss and faciliate muscle building in order to stay healthy, prevent diabetes, have a healthy metabolism and much, more more.

Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle wasting, is both reversible and preventable. Today we will explore the systemic impact of sarcopenia on your health and discuss what you can do about it! Don't miss this episode!


Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation on episode 515 of the podcast

Past episodes on fitness:

513: Elements of Fitness for Fat Loss

160: Fat to Fit Part 3 - Fitness

215: 6 Ways to Get More from Your Workout

035: Fitness for Fat Loss

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Nov 19, 2018

What's your bliss point? That's the conversation I want to have with you as we go into the holiday season.

For me, feeling amazing during the holidays has as much to do with my mindset as it does to do with my choices. Probably even more. I used to go into the holidays with a ton of anxiety. I was worried about the food that would be available. I worried about overeating and I worried about restriction and missing out.

It didn't work. I wasn't happy. I wasn't enjoying myself.

Now, I think about my bliss point. The intersection of enjoyment and feeling amazing.

This is actually a common marketing term!

A bliss point is the amount of consumption that maximizes a customer's satisfaction for a particular good or service. For example, the bliss point of ice cream might be one small bowl and the bliss point for travel might be one trip a month. A customer who exceeds their bliss point may feel stressed, unsatisfied or regretful. Bliss point is purely related to a customer's needs and wants as opposed to budget. It has implications for product design, customer experience, diversification and pricing. (

As you go into a holiday, a family meal or even a weekend or evening out - what is the intersection of feeling great about your choices and fully enjoying yourself?


Join the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

New to Thrive Market? Register via to save an extra 25% on your first order AND get a free 30-day trial membership!

416: Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

534: Binge Eating & The Holidays

What I'm Enjoying for Thanksgiving 2018

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Nov 15, 2018

This week, my whole perspective changed. I won't sugar coat it: I've been stressed out. I'm been anxious. I've been indulging thoughts of fear and worry. Then, something really powerful and unexpected it happened. It blew my mind and I think it will really floor you, too. It changed my whole perspective and I hope I never, ever forget this lesson!

If you've been stressed, worried, anxious or unsure, please don't miss this episode!


Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Check out Fabletics!

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Nov 12, 2018

I love when you ask questions and suggest topics for the podcast. You know why? Because that's the whole point of the Primal Potential podcast! The entire goal is to help you help yourself! This is your podcast and my sole objective is to help you help yourself live a happier, healthier life! If you have questions or are struggling, be sure to let me know so we can begin to work through them on the show!

Just the other day on Instagram, I asked what questions or topics you'd like to hear about on the podcast. A ton of of you submitted questions and I've divided them into two episodes.

In episode 534 we talked about binge eating, the holidays, travel and resisting negativity. Today, we're taking a hard right turn. I'm answering your questions about starting a business, overcoming procrastination, recovering from workouts and, though seemingly random, what's behind acid reflux and what (surprising) thing you can do to make it better.


Join the wait list for the winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Past episodes on sleep:

Episode 016: Hack Your Sleep for Health & Fat Loss

Episode 181: Sleep, Hormones & Fat Loss

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Nov 8, 2018

I love when you ask questions and suggest topics for the podcast. You know why? Because that's the whole point of the Primal Potential podcast! The entire goal is to help you help yourself! This is your podcast and my sole objective is to help you help yourself live a happier, healthier life! If you have questions or are struggling, be sure to let me know so we can begin to work through them on the show!

Just the other day on Instagram, I asked what questions or topics you'd like to hear about on the podcast. A ton of of you submitted questions and I've divided them into two episodes.

Today we're talking about travel, binge eating and the holidays. In episode 535 we'll be less on the emotional side and more on the practical side, addressing questions about nutrition, hormones, stomach acid, money and more!

Make sure to let me know if there's something I can do to help you!


Get on the wait list for the winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

Cauliflower Recipe Mashup

New to Thrive Market? Want to try out their new wine offerings? Save 25% on their new release of organic, no-sugar-added wines when you register though:

Previous episodes & blogs on binge eating:

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Nov 5, 2018

Too many of us stay busy doing things that don't really matter. We live in a self-created vortex of tasks and work, rarely pausing to consider:

  • Is this necessary?
  • Is it working?
  • Is it improving my life?
  • Is the return on this worth the time and energy it requires?

I read something the other day that I'm certain will improve my relationships, my work-life and my health. Not surprisingly, it wasn't about relationships or health; it was about real estate.

When rennovating homes, most people spend money where it doesn't need to be spent. They aren't disciplined in how they deploy their funds. To counteract this tendency, they're taught to break down potential home improvements into the following categories:

  1. Necessary and increases value
  2. Unnecessary and increases value
  3. Necessary and does not increase value
  4. Unnecessary and does not increase value

In today's episode of the podcast, we're talking about the application of this practice to our task lists, our communication and our goals.

I hope you enjoy it!


Join the wait list for the 2019 Winter 12 Weeks to Transformation

To learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation, take a listen to episode 515 of the Primal Potential podcast.

Looking for that Breaking Barriers coupon code? Use the code katie to take $50 off until the new course launches.

Check out Thrive Market and save an extra 25% on your first order when you register through

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Nov 1, 2018

If I challenged you to complete a broad jump - to leap forward as far as you can - where would you place your feet before jumping? If your feet are spread too wide, you lose power. You can't initate a powerful leap if your feet are spread wider than your hips. Similarly, you can't jump as far if your feet are too close together. It's pretty common for fitness coaches and trainers to correct someone's stance. If your feet aren't in the right place, you can't perform well.

The same thing is true in life. Your power stance, in life, isn't about where you put your feet but rather where you put your attention. If your attention is on the past or the future, you're losing power to take full advantage of the moment you're in.

If you want to immediately become a more powerful change agent in your own life, listen to today's episode.


Fabletics! Take full advantage of this crazy deal for amazing, affordable leggings!

Keto Burrito Bowl

Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation!

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation! 

Breaking Barriers

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Oct 29, 2018

Are you dealing with doubt? Is your doubt keeping you from trying? Is your doubt keeping you from consistency? When we doubt our ability to create or maintain change, we're looking at it wrong. We're overlooking who we become in the process. When you focus on winning the day you're in, you become a person capable of more than you're capable of now. If doubt keeps you from doing your best, this episode is for you!


Join the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

The ONE Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan

Episode 255: Dealing with Doubt, Frustration & Inaction

Episode 352: Overcoming Doubt & Creating Consistency

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Oct 25, 2018

If you want to create change, knowing what to do isn't enough, yet, you need to know what to do. If you want to create change, you need to have the right attitude, but attitude alone isn't enough.

In today's episode, we're talking about 3 critical ingredients needed to create massive change in your life:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Effort
  3. Attitude

Please don't merely acknowledge these elements. Assess yourself. In what area are you strongest? In what area do you need improvement? What will you do about it today?

Don't miss today's deep dive into developing this solid framework for massive change!


Join the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Fat Loss Basics podcast series runs from episodes 121 to 126 

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Oct 22, 2018

Recently, a few of my 12 Weeks to Transformation clients asked if I'd be willing to do a podcast on the idea of emotional sobriety. Of course I said yes! One of the most insidious barriers to change is going through your life making decisions in moments when your under the influence of emotion.

If you continue to let emotions dominate your decision making progress, you'll continue to struggle.

In today's episode we talk about recognizing when you're under the influence of emotion, increasing your emotional resilience and a practice for minimizing the choices you make when your rational mind is clouded by emotion.

I think you're going to really enjoy this show! Take a listen!


Jump on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

EB's Cabbage Salad Bowl

Thrive Market now has wine! Register to explore Thrive Market and their amazing products and deals through and you'll save an extra 25% off your first order and get a free 30-day trial membership!

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Oct 18, 2018

The Primal Potential podcast is your podcast. This show is your show. It's not a platform for me to talk about things I think are important - it's a platform for me to help you help yourself. That's why today is a listener Q&A on all things success and progress!

Over on Instagram, I asked what you want to hear about and the questions came pouring in! Today we're talking about everything from staying motivated after progress, if dairy can included in a fat loss friendly way of eating, morning routines, hormones, sex and more!

If you have questions that I didn't address on the episode, I want to hear them! Either DM me on Instagram, send me an email or leave a comment here on the show notes page!


Join the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

Fabletics! You asked about some of my favorite looks from Fabletics and I've shared them on today's episode! If you want to give Fabletics a try or stock up on amazing holiday gifts for the fitness enthusiast in your life, register through to take advantage of their 2 for $24 deal!

For more on dairy and fat loss, check out episodes 025 and 128

For more on morning routines, take a listen to episode 099

If you're looking to learn more about hormones, start with episodes 011 through 014

Episode 495: The End of All or Nothing Thinking

EB's Cabbage Salad Bowl Recipe

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Oct 15, 2018

What is the metabolic effect of overeating or binging? While we can mentally and emotionally reset, our body isn't so quick to reset just because it's a new day.

I don't know about you, but I used to convince myself that each new day was a reset. While that is absolutely true for each day (and even each moment) in our minds, we can't deny that there are lasting metabolic and hormonal effects to overeating and binging.

In today's episode we're going to talk about prolonged fat loss impairment, chronic stress and hormonal imbalances that result from overeating and binging.

I have found that when I understand (accurately) what is happening in my body as a result of my choices, I think through my decisions more carefully. I hope you enjoy the episode!


Hop on the wait list for the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

314: 3.5 Strategies to Overcome Binging

148: Personal - Inside a Binge

338: The Big Lie About Binges

151: How To Stop Overeating

197: Overeating and Your Metabolism

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Oct 11, 2018

If I could wave my magic wand and change your mind in some way, here are the three things I would immediately change...

Before I tell you what they are, let me tell you how this came about. I have a personal coaching practice that helps me help my clients. I routinely ask myself, "What are my clients teaching me? If I could wave my magic wand and give them a skill or perspective that would make their lives easier, what would I give them?"

This keeps me from getting frustrated and helps me focus on what they need and how I'll give it to them.

The other day, in between workouts, my inbox was blowing up with emails from new clients. Since a new 12 Weeks to Transformation recently started, there are a lot of questions, a lot of eagerness and even a lot of desperation. Instead of getting frustrated, I asked myself one of those questions:

If I could wave my magic wand and give these clients something that would help them create change in their lives, what would I give them?

Today's podcast is my answer to that question!

Oct 8, 2018

In each episode between now and the end of the year, I'm determined to help you make progress, one day at a time. Today, we're taking a look at what isn't working for you right now. When we evaluate, without drama or judgement, what's not working and what's holding you back, we step into a tremendous amount of power.

From there, we're going to establish new options. What else could you do? What could you adjust, just for today?

We aren't trying to change everything at all once, but what we're looking to identify today are the destructive choices that happen either most often or have the most significant impact on your life.

If you're ready to make small changes that will create a big impact, don't miss today's episode!


Looking to try Palmini? Here's what I buy.

Palmini with Pesto Recipe

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