
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: July, 2019
Jul 31, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about why people can leg press a much higher weight than they can barbell squat, whether poor food choices slow down the amount of muscle you build, how getting older affects progress in the gym, and whether there is any validity to “health at any size.”

  • The GAME-CHANGING benefits of the ChiliPad ‘Ooler’. (4:49)
  • How Justin enjoyed the ‘comedy’ of the Twilight series. (11:50)
  • Recapping the Mind Pump Live event in Seattle, WA. (14:28)
  • Anti-manspreading chair designer receives 'backlash'. How memes are today’s political cartoons. (23:18)
  • Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Great Hack’ on Netflix. How people are NOT that hard to manipulate. (26:27)
  • How the times have truly changed... Teen 'Fortnite' champion won more than Tiger Woods at the Masters. (38:47)
  • What is good leadership all about? (42:44)
  • Mind Pump sends their deepest condolences and prayers to all affected by the Gilroy Garlic Festival tragedy. (44:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – Why can I leg press a much higher weight than they can barbell squat? (46:22)
  • #Quah question #2 – Do poor food choices slow down the amount of muscle you build for the hard gainer? Or does it not really matter as long as you hit your surplus calories? (55:47)
  • #Quah question #3 – If you are over 40 years old and train, you get better and stronger but are still getting older. How does getting older affect your progress in getting fitter? (1:05:17)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on the whole body positive, fat acceptance movement? Do you believe it’s a step in the right direction for self-acceptance or is it normalizing eating disorders and obesity? Do you believe there is any validity to “health at any size”? (1:12:08)

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Jul 29, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss how you can build an impressive body even if you don't have access to a gym, barbells or dumbbells.

  • Busting the common myth that you can’t build a great physique without access to a lot of equipment. (1:49)
  • How to scale exercises to keep you in those challenging rep ranges. (10:05)
  • The importance of correctional movements to progress and prevent injuries. (14:43)
  • The significance of the AMP sessions. (19:26)
  • The difficulty of working out at home without equipment. (23:00)
  • The KEY equipment needed for MAPS Anywhere + the importance of injury prevention. (24:50)
  • The biggest barriers from keeping people from working out consistently. (29:42)
  • The value of adding MAPS Anywhere to your current training routine. (33:40)
  • Breaking down all aspects of MAPS Anywhere. (38:30)
  • Don’t let the fact that you travel a lot or have limited access to a gym from preventing you from reaching your fitness goals. (42:15)
  • What exercises SHOULD you include in your routine if working out from home or on the road? (43:30)

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Jul 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best substitutes for deadlifts and squats for someone with severe lower back problems, using a landmine press rather than an overhead press when dealing with shoulder issues, uneven activation of muscle groups, and if it is necessary to be in good shape before becoming a trainer.

  • If you were wondering why there was a dip in energy at Mind Pump HQ, have no fear they are stocked back up of Organifi Pure. (3:32)
  • Solo ‘cholo’: Justin shares his experiences while his family is out of town. (4:42)
  • Kids being little shits. (12:43)
  • How humans have evolved to be fat. (14:35)
  •  Jeremy Buendia in HOT water. The important lesson of separating the person from what they do for a living. (15:24)
  • How the conspiracies involving Jeffrey Epstein are coming to life! (24:22)
  • Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Loudest Voice’ on Showtime. How politics are NASTY. (28:38)
  • Mind Pump Live: Presented by Skinny Dipped continues on to Seattle. (32:12)
  • The story behind how this man has survived eating only pizza for 25 years. How this highlights the aspects of human complexity. (34:10)
  • Who’s excited for Super Size Me 2??!! (39:17)
  • Sal tries Chick-fil-A for the first time! What’s the consensus? (41:41)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the best substitutes for deadlifts and squats for someone with severe lower back problems? (44:42)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on using a landmine press rather than an overhead press when dealing with shoulder issues? (54:47)
  • #Quah question #3 – How would you address an uneven activation of muscle groups? For example, my right lat is activating more fully than my left during some pulling exercises. How do you catch the weaker side up while avoiding perpetuating the issue? (1:02:23)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do you think you have to be in good shape before you become a trainer? (1:08:55)

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Jul 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the importance of being in a parasympathetic state for maximal muscle building, whether the online training market is saturated, what causes the mental crash people get post competition, and the next Mind Pump Crew challenge .

  • Mind Pump Recommends the Jordan Harbinger Show with Howie Mandel. (3:55)
  • Adam has a case of the ‘dad brain’. (5:33)
  • How Maximus has a better shoe collection than most. (6:44)
  • Butcher Box’s CRAZY Summer “burger patties” promotion. Get it while it lasts! (9:45)
  • Do you like orgasms? Why having persistent genital arousal disorder may have you thinking otherwise. (12:00)
  • How will Snapchat monetize its Gen Z users? (16:16)
  • Why there is no such thing as BAD publicity. Macy's pulls product after complaints of body shaming. (18:30)
  • How many times can they re-brand and make Yoga cool?? Enter ‘Rage Yoga’. (22:25)
  • What are the most valuable sports franchises? (27:42)
  • A new way to shut down cancer cells' ability to consume glucose: study. Why fasting MAY be more effective than going ‘keto’. (32:48)
  • Mind Pump’s thoughts on 5G. (38:53)
  • #Quah question #1 – How important is it to be in a parasympathetic state during the day other than your workout for maximal muscle building? (44:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is online training worth getting into at this time or is it saturated? (53:18)
  • #Quah question #3 - What causes the mental crash people get post-competition? What are the ways to cope with it? (1:00:03)
  • #Quah question #4 – Are you guys going to do another challenge with the Mind Pump Crew? (1:07:40)

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Jul 25, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin address the controversy they stirred up on a recent Quah about Beachbody and go into greater depth about what they feel is the good, bad and ugly with respect to their programs. 

  • Mind Pump ruffling feathers for the sake of integrity & transparency. (2:20)
  • Why is Beachbody a household name? What are they doing RIGHT? (5:35)
  • Beachbody = Processed Food of Health. (12:50)
  • How the value of their workouts is based on YOUR experience level. (16:30)
  • The raw truth review of Body Beast. (20:00)
  • The raw truth review of P90X and Insanity. (23:25)
  • How the average person places the value of their work out on the calories burned. (26:40)
  • Why is multi-level marketing (MLM) so easy to pray on when it comes to the fitness space? (28:38)
  • How Mind Pump is DIFFERENT from Beachbody when it comes to their marketing strategy. (34:50)
  • The steps to achieve LONG TERM successful results. (36:21)
  • Why Beachbody programs are NOTHING to be excited about. How Mind Pump WILL WIN. (44:21)

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Jul 24, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether foam rolling actually helps or is a short-term solution, training and nutrition for combat sports such as boxing and MMA, whether people who want to lead other people must first develop themselves as a leader or learn to be a team player, and how they would train their co-hosts.

  • The value of the OTHER cannabinoids of the cannabis planet + the reason why companies like NED are so beneficial. (5:03)
  • Mind Pump Live event recap from Denver. (14:30)
  • Vuori is CRUSHING! (23:25)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Revolution Health Radio: A New Understanding of SIBO and IBS, with Mark Pimentel. (25:39)
  • South Park, Crank Yankers, Jerky Boys and their importance to media. (29:57)
  • Pampers gets into the ‘wearables’ market. (34:48)
  • Updates on the life of Baby Maximus. (36:57)
  • How companies are CASHING IN on the viral trends. (40:43)
  • 'Avengers: Endgame' passes 'Avatar' to become the highest-grossing film ever + how Disney is taking over the world! (42:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – Does foam rolling actually help or is it more of a short-term solution? How about the vibrating foam roller? (45:31)
  • #Quah question #2 – How would you approach your training and nutrition for combat sports such as boxing or MMA? (57:09)
  • #Quah question #3 – Should an individual who wants to lead other people first develop themselves as a leader or learn to be a team player first? (1:07:18)
  • #Quah question #4 – If one of the other guys put you in complete charge of their programming for 12 weeks, how would that look? You get to pick their goals. (1:18:30)

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Jul 22, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss the 21 Commandments of gym etiquette, what thou shall and shall not do to be a good gym citizen.

  • Teaching proper gym etiquette: The 21 Gym Commandments everyone NEEDS to follow. (1:42)
  • #1 – Bring a towel! (2:56)
  • #2 – Wear deodorant. (6:44)
  • #3 – Hand dryers are for hands ONLY! (9:37)
  • #4 – The order you put your clothes on. (12:06)
  • #5 – Put your weights away. (13:30)
  • #6 – Don’t be that person who shaves in the jacuzzi. (19:47)
  • #7 – Proper pool etiquette. (21:15)
  • #8 –Don’t do karate between sets. (22:23)
  • #9 – Taking up all the equipment for yourself. (24:40)
  • #10 – Doing curls/rows directly in front of the dumbbell rack. (26:10)
  • #11 – Don’t drop your weights. (28:18)
  • #12 – Misusing the intent of the gym equipment. (31:12) 
  • #13 – Please no texting or reading on the equipment. (34:00)
  • #14 – Men stop wearing spandex. (35:21)
  • #15 – When to let people ‘work in’. (35:57)
  • #16 – Couples “working out” together. (39:27)
  • #17 – Teaching trainers how to spot properly. (40:20)
  • #18 – Please wear underwear if you are wearing short shorts. (41:50)
  • #19 – The proper attire for women. (42:50)
  • #20 – Please don’t ‘jerk off’ in the shower. (47:11)
  • #21 –The shower is NOT the bathroom. (47:39)

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Jul 20, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about activating muscles by flexing them before compound lifts, the difference in stimuli, physically and cognitively, between open chain and closed chain exercises, if it is normal for joints to hurt after lifting, and Peloton and other streaming at-home workouts.

  • How having kids tends to change your perspective on the relationship with your family, disciplining your kids & MORE. (3:52)
  • Four Sigmatic Special Coffee Offer for Mind Pump listeners!! (15:50)
  • The importance of adjusting intensity: How the USWNT used innovative period tracking to help player performance at the World Cup. (17:23)
  • Conspiracy Theory Hour: US Government weaponized ticks and other insects, Lyme disease on Plum Island & MORE. (22:54)
  • The guilty till proven innocent era we currently live in...' Mr. Olympia' Shawn Rhoden charged with rape, eligibility revoked. (29:58)
  • Shame on us! Is the trending FaceApp a massive security risk??!! (33:07)
  • Jeffrey Epstein and the utility of fake billions. (36:00)
  • Competition is heating up in streaming land! Netflix numbers declining, the future of streaming platforms & MORE. (37:47)
  • Things are getting out of control! ‘Manholes’ to become ‘Maintenance Holes’ in Berkeley, CA. (44:57)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you activate a muscle by flexing it before compound lifts? (46:33)
  • #Quah question #2 – Can you expand on the difference in stimuli, physically and cognitively, between open chain and closed chain exercises? What are the pros and cons of each and should you stick to one or the other during a workout? (53:50)
  • #Quah question #3 – It is normal for all my joints to hurt after I lift? I know there should be inflammation with my muscles and possibly my joints, but I feel it mainly in my joints the day after. Specifically, my knees and shoulders. Could it be due to years of running track as a teen? (1:02:15)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on Peloton and other streaming at-home workouts? How long before VR compatible treadmills and rowers? (1:07:21)

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Jul 19, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to maintain single-digit body fat year-round without tanking metabolism and throwing hormones out of whack, exercises to include in a full-body workout with the landmine, the best way for a hard gainer to break plateaus and gain lean mass, and their lowest moments in the fitness industry.

  • Mind Pump recommends The Jordan Harbinger Podcast with Matthew Schrier. (4:52)
  • Sal gets the PERFECT gift for Adam with a bilingual twist... (6:18)
  • It’s like opening a present! Justin shares the story of his emergency root canal surgery + the benefits of protein powders in a pinch from Organifi. (8:16)
  • A substance found in spinach should be banned for athletes, according to new research. (16:26)
  • Is nanotechnology the next big breakthrough to revolutionize medicine and human biology? (25:45)
  • Justin and family see Great White Sharks in their own backyard + the most dangerous animals in nature. (29:48)
  • In more terrifying news... A super fungus that kills nearly half its victims in 90 days has spread globally. (37:17)
  • Nike making golf cool again. (39:05)
  • How the FaceApp has infiltrated Mind Pump HQ + how old people date. (44:05)
  • How Sal has convinced his dad to go the grass-fed meat route + the latest promotion from Butcher Box. (47:27)
  • Is free will just an illusion?? Are we in control of our own destiny? (50:05)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is it possible to naturally maintain single-digit body fat year-round without tanking your metabolism and throwing your hormones out of whack? (54:41)
  • #Quah question #2 – The landmine seems to be a versatile piece of equipment. What exercises would you include to design a full-body workout with a landmine? (1:07:23)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the best way for a hard gainer to not only break plateaus but gain lean mass? (1:14:53)
  • #Quah question #4 – We have heard of some of your highest moments as trainers and how you have impacted so many people. Could you share some of your lowest moments? Maybe one that almost had you walk away from the industry altogether? (1:22:07)

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Jul 18, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin expose seven lies the fitness industry continues to tell women.

  • How there are certain things that should DIE in the fitness industry: The 7 deadly fitness lies that are sold to women. (2:27)
  • Lie #1 – That heavy weights build ‘bulky’ bodies and light weights/high reps build ‘toned’ bodies. (5:30)
  • Lie #2 – That women SHOULDN’T eat or bulk in a calorie surplus. (16:00)
  • Lie #3 – That women NEED to train differently than men. (20:34)
  • Lie #4 – How these fitness classes PROMISE to change the shape of your muscle in a certain way. (30:26)
  • Lie # 5 – That doing heavy deadlifts/squats will give women a BIG waist. (38:58)
  • Lie # 6 – That women need to GET OVER the scale and their size. (44:00)
  • Lie # 7 – How supplements are marketed to women. (47:50)

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Jul 17, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether to add activity or decrease calories to preserve the most muscle when in a deficit, the benefits or hype surrounding essential amino acid supplements, how to combat the feeling of hypocrisy when enjoying food or drinks that aren’t normally in the routine, and how to add value to a potential client.

  • The Bottle Cap Challenge craze! What is the best one so far? (6:21)
  • The messed-up things kids do to one another. (10:57)
  • Drumroll, please!! The winner of the PRx Performance Giveaway is... (15:14)
  • Sal FINALLY gets his ChiliPad + Adam shares his tips for optimal use. (17:42)
  • Recapping the latest Mind Pump Live event in San Francisco. (21:56)
  • Adam’s ‘baby hacks’ for new parents + being practical when it comes to gifts.  (31:23)
  • Is ‘digital clothing’ the next wave in the future of fashion? (45:00)
  • A sign of the end of times... KFC introduces its Chicken ‘Cheetos’ Sandwich. (47:04)
  • #Quah question #1 – All other factors considered equal, is it better to add an activity or decrease calories to preserve the most muscle when in a deficit? (49:02)
  • #Quah question #2 – You guys have talked a lot about BCAA’s and how they are not useful for most people, but what are your thoughts on EAA’s (essential amino acid) supplements? Any benefit or just another bullshit product? (56:25)
  • #Quah question #3 - How do you combat the feeling of hypocrisy when enjoying food or drinks that aren’t normally in the routine? I like to stay dialed in, but also allow myself some freedom and sometimes I feel guilty for overindulging. (1:03:50)
  • #Quah question #4 - How did you add value to a potential client, by taking them through the prime test or explaining the plan? (1:16:25)

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Jul 15, 2019

Dr. Stefanie Cohen

  • Her humble beginnings and how she came to the US. (3:33)
  • How in some degree we are forced to rise to the occasion: Her journey to what she is currently doing. (6:27)
  • When did the switch from soccer to powerlifting happen? (10:30)
  • Did she find her body responded very quickly early on? How strength is a LONG-TERM adaptation. (14:09)
  • When did she decide to compete in powerlifting? (19:13)
  • Was her goal to be the first female to pull 500 lbs.? What did it take to get there and what bumps in the road did she experience? (25:04)
  • The general steps you can do to alleviate pain TODAY. (32:50)
  • Did she change her approach to her workouts after her back injury? (39:04)
  • The differences between flexibility and mobility. (41:55)
  • How should someone PRIME their body before a physical event? (45:05)
  • What does her priming session look like? (47:21)
  • The value of unilateral movements to powerlifters. (48:05)
  • The benefits of unconventional training to powerlifting. (50:48)
  • What information annoys her the most about the strength/fitness camps? (53:39)
  • The story of ‘6 blind men who have never encountered an elephant’ and how people are so fast to draw absolute truths based on one single subjective experience. (56:10)
  • What are her strength goals moving forward? (57:28)

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Jul 13, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how put maximum load on the muscles and minimum load on the joints when exercising, the difference between mobility and priming movements, the benefits of the Turkish Get-Up, and the next big health fad.

  • Mind Pump recommends The Jordan Harbinger Show podcast episode 222 with Matt McCarthy. (4:10)
  • Sal’s ‘cold-busting’ formula to keep you from getting sick. (6:43)
  • How have Adam’s dogs adjusted to baby Maximus? (11:07)
  • Scientists: We'll grow babies in artificial wombs “In a decade.” Why this highlights human's arrogance. (19:38)
  • Why there is so much stuff we just don’t know. Skeleton plundered from a Mexican cave was one of the Americas’ oldest. (27:40)
  • Mind Pump recommends Rocketman: The epic story of Elton John. (31:36)
  • Study links daily sips of soda or juice to cancer risk. How context matters in the grand scheme of health. (35:38)
  • Are testosterone-boosting supplements effective? Not likely, according to new research. (40:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you put maximum load on the muscles and minimum load on the joints when exercising? Resistance training for example. (46:02)
  • #Quah question #2 - Mobility and priming movements seem pretty similar. What are the differences between them if any? (56:05)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are the benefits of the Turkish Get-Up and where can they be plugged into a program? (1:04:33)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the next big health fad that you predict? (1:14:57)

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Jul 12, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to measure intensity in order to increase it, how to spot a good trainer, the advantages and disadvantages of different macro ratios, and the importance of building an online business to go alongside in-person training.

  • Updates on fatherhood for Adam: The feeling of guilt, consumption of shows & MORE. (5:13)
  • Mind Pump recommends Stranger Things on Netflix: Nostalgia at its finest. (10:15)
  • Mind Pump Live updates for San Francisco & beyond: Dosist is back, Vuori the ‘Nordstrom’ of return policies, Justin/Skinny Dipped & MORE. (14:15)
  • Robert Oberst’s take on deadlifts, does Mind Pump concur? (20:55)
  • Tom Brady continues to marvel ‘father time’ at the age of 42. Is he considered the GOAT? (26:52)
  • Study finds annual salary needed to afford a house in 50 largest U.S. cities. Where does Mind Pump HQ (San Jose, CA) stand? (36:35)
  • The revolution is coming! Weightlifting better at reducing heart fat than aerobic exercise: study finds. (42:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – What exactly is your definition of intensity? It’s one of the ‘it’ factors you mention along with reps, weight, and sets to help break through a plateau. But how would you measure your intensity in order to increase it? (48:05)
  • #Quah question #2 – In a lot of your past podcast episodes, I have heard a lot about how to spot a bad or inexperienced trainer. For example, trainers just trying to exhaust clients and that is what I mostly see in gyms. How do you spot a good trainer? If you don’t see any in your own gym, how can you go about finding one? (58:17)
  • #Quah question #3 – Assuming someone is getting adequate protein and fat, what are the advantages or disadvantages of different macro ratios? When would you recommend high carb or high fat? Does it matter for the average person? (1:11:00)
  • #Quah question #4 – I am a new trainer and already employed at a gym that is chalked full of leads, but I’m wondering if I should also develop my social media to advertise myself? How important do you think it is to build an online business to go alongside in-person training? Do you think it will lead to being a more successful trainer long-term? (1:25:35)

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Jul 11, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin go into depth about protein, what it is, what it does, how to use it and the potential negatives of eating too much.

  • The ‘magical’ macronutrient that is protein: What it is, what is it doing for our bodies, the controversies surrounding it & MORE. (3:00)
  • The BEST sources of protein. (15:55)
  • How to rate the QUALITY of the protein you are consuming. (22:07)
  • What is the OPTIMAL amount of protein for muscle building and performance? (26:55)
  • The myths around protein: Why you may be gaining excess fat, whey vs. Casein, maximizing protein synthesis, anabolic window & MORE. (40:20)

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Jul 10, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about ways to prevent metabolic adaptations while keeping endurance and stamina levels up, alternative exercises for someone who doesn’t have access to a rack or barbell and can’t complete compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press, how training is different as a teenager, and tips for merging the fitness and wellness industries.

  • Official Announcement: Maximus is here!! Adam details and shares the full story! The value of the Doula, how they used CBD, the emotion involved & MORE. {4:17)
  • #Quah question #1 – You talk about metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular exercise such as running on the treadmill, etc. But are there ways to prevent that from happening while keeping endurance and stamina levels up? If so, how? (47:08)
  • #Quah question #2 – What alternative exercises would you suggest for someone who doesn’t have access to a rack or barbell and can’t complete compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press? (55:03)
  • #Quah question #3 – How is training different as a teenager? (1:04:00)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your biggest tips for merging the fitness and wellness industries? It seems so many people are too far one way or the other. What basic concepts do you feel encompass both in a realistic way? (1:18:30)

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Jul 8, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Dr. Scott Stevenson, competitive bodybuilder, PhD in applied exercise physiologist, college professor and author of Be Your Own Bodybuilding Coach. Scott provides an interesting and insightful perspective on blending eastern and western philosophy and the science of building muscle.  

  • How does training in herbs and acupuncture translate to muscle building? (2:21)
  • What drove him to enter into the field of Eastern Medicine? (5:28)
  • Did he experience any ‘ah-ha’ moments in his training in Chinese medicine? (11:25)
  • Was he able to take his knowledge of Chinese Medicine to help even the extreme bodybuilders? (14:00)
  • Does ‘bro-training’ have any validity? (18:50)
  • How in bro science the biggest guys are usually the strongest guys. (26:45)
  • The phenomenon of muscle wisdom. (31:25)
  • 3903 
  • What does the current research say about muscle hyperplasia? (43:04)
  • Can people do cycles of anabolics and go off, but essentially be better off than they were before in terms of muscle size? (46:15)
  • The science behind ‘trigger sessions’ to build muscle. (49:00)
  • What are the most common things that he has to change in a competitor? (54:17)
  • Do free weights tend to build more muscle? If so, why? (57:24)
  • Is there a hierarchy in advanced training techniques? (1:03:34)
  • What are some techniques that he uses on his athletes to allow their central nervous system (CNS) to be able to take on more? (1:11:35)
  • Has he had any experience with an all-day workout? (1:15:50)
  • For someone who has been working out for years, go on their first anabolic steroid cycle, should they change their training? If they do, what should they change? (1:22:40)
  • Do receptors down regulate with too many steroid cycles? (1:26:24)

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Jul 6, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether resistance bands are useful as a workout tool or just an Instagram sales gimmick, progressing without wrist wraps or a belt, how hard it is to lose muscle, and combating forward shoulder. 

  • Justin has a nice ‘rack’ + the CRAZY giveaway from PRx Performance. (5:35)
  • The conspiracy surrounding why the media is pushing BIG for people to eat plant-based. (10:04)
  • The ‘racist’ Nikes. Another conspiracy theory or a marketing ploy? (14:05)
  • Why we DON’T always know peoples programming. The guys respond to the squat form of NFL Superstar Myles Garrett. (19:30)
  • What are the BEST ways to use the Organifi Green Juice? (25:10)
  • Justin’s rant on Aquaman. (30:00)
  • Mind Pump recommends Inside North Korea on National Geographic + The Loudest Voice on Showtime. (31:19)
  • There goes the neighborhood! A preservative in processed foods linked to a spike in autism: study. (36:45)
  • Protein rice is continuing to sweep MP nation using Kettle & Fire + the benefits on their subscription service. (39:35)
  • #Quah question #1 – Are resistance bands actually useful as a workout tool or just an Instagram sales gimmick? (43:12)
  • #Quah question #2 – I have stopped using wrist wraps and a belt while deadlifting and I can’t lift nearly as much. Will I still make gains at this new lower weight? What can I do to keep progressing at the lower weight? (51:26)
  • #Quah question #3 - How hard it is to actually lose muscle? (58:05)
  • #Quah question #4 – I am almost two months post-partum and have terrible forward shoulder from breastfeeding to babywearing. Nearly all my activities are only making my posture worse. What can I do to combat this? (1:05:20)

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Jul 5, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about working out on vacation, posture correcting devices, considerations and exercises for training those with herniated discs, and whether an exercise pill has some value to society and health.

  • Adam is now the “BALD” eagle: Why, how he got to this point, the benefits of red-light therapy & MORE. (5:07)
  • Have dogs' eyes evolved to appeal to humans? (19:14)
  • How the things you learn as a baby/child can become hardwired. (25:21)
  • The anti-cancer properties of medicinal mushrooms. (30:31)
  • Can the active ingredient in Pepto Bismol help treat your leaky gut? (35:54)
  • Adam shares his experiences taking ‘baby’ classes with Catrina. The pros and cons of Western Medicine. (40:25)
  • The Mind Pump GIF’s have gone VIRAL!! (49:45)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you guys work out on vacation? Also, if you are in the middle of a MAPS program should you pick up where you left off or start over? (55:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on posture correcting or coaching devices? I have been seeing more and more ads for different types recently. (1:04:57)
  • #Quah question #3 – What specific considerations or exercises are there for training those with herniated discs? (1:11:57)
  • #Quah question #4 – In an episode of the Freakonomics podcast called “The Zero Minute Workout,” there are arguments for against the development of an exercise pill. While you have argued that real exercise is the best, studies show the majority of people will not exercise no matter how much you educate them. In this case, do you agree that an exercise pill is valuable to society and health? (1:19:50)

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Jul 4, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin pull back the curtain on the fitness industry and reveal five of the biggest lies in fitness promoted by social media influencers, bodybuilders and supplement companies.

  • The cultural phenomena of old media. (2:13)
  • The Biggest Myths and Lies in Fitness. (5:05)
  • #1 – The romantic notion of ‘beast mode’. (7:01)
  • #2 – How all exercises are NOT created equal. (27:20)
  • #3 – The meal frequency myth. (39:20)
  • #4 – How we have been OVERSOLD on the health benefits of supplements. (50:30)
  • #5 – Because someone looks the part, they have the knowledge and wisdom. (1:01:00)

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Jul 3, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the workouts or exercises that are appropriate for weight vests, how to prep for a night of drinking alcohol, the chance of having a broken metabolism, and if priming can limit muscle growth.

  • Adam recommends City on the Hill on Prime video. Meme-worthy actors of the past and current generations, actors that are known as assholes & MORE. (5:57)
  • MIIR makes cool stuff. (10:52)
  • Justin shares his experience at Star Wars Galaxy Edge at Disneyland/Palm Desert. (13:08)
  • Felix Gray does prescription glasses too! (21:02)
  • Sal and Jessica back from Montana/Colorado: Their experience at the gun range, Yellowstone National Park, wedding in Vail & MORE. (22:50)
  • Adam’s ‘Baby Wedding’ recap. What will he do to keep his kid from being spoiled? (30:00)
  • Larry Wheels tears bicep due to strongman training. The thin line between top performance and injury. (37:40)
  • The history of ‘bloodletting’ and are there any health benefits? (44:09)
  • Mind Pump speculates on the fallout from the upcoming documentary “The Game Changers.” (48:42)
  • Mind Pump recommends Alone on the History Channel. (52:12)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your thoughts on weight vests? What workouts or exercises are they appropriate for? (54:59)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do you prep for a night of drinking alcohol? What’s the best way to recover and continue with progress? (1:03:45)
  • #Quah question #3 – In reality, what is the chance of having a broken metabolism? (1:13:49)
  • #Quah question #4 – You talk a lot about the body’s adaptability to food, exercise, etc. Does this same adaptability apply to priming? Does getting in the same priming routine, for certain exercises, limit the muscle signal? (1:22:36)

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Jul 1, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Jordan Syatt. Jordan has a very solid fitness background, training at the renowned Westside Barbell and then spending several years traveling the world with advertising and marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk, aka Gary Vee, as his personal trainer. Working daily with Gary allowed him to glean a wealth of knowledge on how to build a successful online business, what to do as well as what NOT to do. In this episode Jordan shares what he has learned over the years as a trainer and a marketer. Whether you are looking to build a business or not, Jordan is an engaging storyteller and shares wisdom for all. Jordan can also be found on Mind Pump TV (YouTube) in a series he shot at Mind Pump Studios.

  • How from an early age, Jordan lived and breathed fitness. (2:36)
  • What carryover did he see from his kettlebell training to his other fitness training? (5:04)
  • The evolution is his fitness training: From kettlebells, barbells to powerlifting at Westside Barbell. (8:17)
  • How can you know what the body does, if you don’t know what the body is? (17:52)
  • The ‘net positive’ of social media for trainers. (21:48)
  • The ‘religion mindset’ people have toward their fitness and nutrition. (23:11)
  • The curse of knowledge. (25:38)
  • The story of how he met and ultimately worked with Gary Vaynerchuk. (28:56)
  • The biggest misconceptions surrounding online training and making money. (32:35)
  • The downstream effects of ‘forward head/shoulder’ syndrome. (33:58)
  • How he closed Gary V: The importance of communication and understanding what your client ACTUALLY needs. (38:15)
  • What are the biggest lessons he has learned from working with Gary? (42:28)
  • Biggest takeaways from different platforms. (47:00)
  • The importance of training people IN PERSON, before you train online. (49:00)
  • How is he scaling his business? (52:56)
  • Why your goal should be to add so much value to people’s lives that they feel compelled to give you money. (55:21)
  • Jordan’s top tips for coaches. (57:37)
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes he has made? (1:03:58)
  • The progression of his nutrition + general rules of thumb. (1:06:40)
  • The upsides working with Gary V. (1:19:11)
  • Why do we feel entitled to get paid for everything? (1:24:10)

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