In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the top three or four supplemental exercises to boost overall deadlift strength, research about squats compressing spine, doing more sets when you are not getting sore, and their best financial advice for newlyweds.
- Masterworks, the stock market for paintings. (5:10)
- Marijuana news with Adam Schafer. (7:37)
- Making sauce with the Di Stefano’s. (13:22)
- Mind Pump Recommends Away on Netflix and Robin’s Wish on Prime Video. (22:18)
- The Andrews go creek walking. (29:12)
- Magic Spoon and Public Goods are exploding! (31:20)
- More shenanigans going on with California’s government officials. (33:44)
- Justin’s ‘redneck’ wasp trap hack. (37:16)
- #Quah question #1 – What are the top three or four supplemental exercises you can do to boost overall deadlift strength? (39:46)
- #Quah question #2 – My dad’s doctor told him he shouldn’t squat because it compresses your spine when you load weight on your back. Instead, he just does leg presses. Is there any research you’ve seen about squats compressing your spine? (44:52)
- #Quah question #3 – If you are not getting sore, should you do more sets in your workout? (53:02)
- #Quah question #4 – What is your best financial advice for newlyweds? (57:05)
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