
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: October, 2019
Oct 31, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss the benefits of adding powerlifting training to improve strength, muscle gain and fat loss.

  • The importance of focusing on strength and performance vs being body image-centric. (2:32)
  • What is competitive powerlifting? (8:36)
  • The carry over the 3 Big Lifts have on your routine, body & MORE. (12:06)
  • The concept of maximal strength explained. (16:06)
  • The differences between powerlifting style training vs standard resistance training. (17:50)
  • The speaker/amplifier analogy with powerlifting principles. (20:55)
  • When you train like a powerlifter you feel HARD. (25:27)
  • How strength motivators are more relevant than the scale. (28:49)
  • Powerlifting principles are based on objective results. (30:01)
  • The metabolism-boosting/fat loss benefits of getting stronger. (31:27)
  • How we can ALL benefit from focusing on a powerlifting style of training. (33:12)
  • YOU vs the iron and getting away from being body obsessed. (39:02)
  • The new MAPS Powerlift program broken down. (43:00)

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Oct 30, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about trying to put on muscle but struggling with eating extra calories, what to do when you hit a body weight plateau, whether the eccentric part of a rep is the most effective part of the rep, and what their training looks like for sports or competitions if they were to train their 18 year old selves.

  • Not your typical priests: The guys recap their trip to Santa Barbara to interview Bishop Barron, Round 2. (5:00)
  • Cardio and cartoons, the best way to pass the time. (8:05)
  • The difficult transition going back to work after having a baby. (11:35)
  • Sal has gone to the dark side. (27:12)
  • Justin talks about Halloween and alcohol. (28:52)
  • Massive hysteria in California with the rolling blackouts, fires & MORE. (31:04)
  • Justin kills the ‘King’ of all rats. (33:25)
  • Frequent ejaculation may decrease prostate cancer risk. (36:06)
  • Why you should be wearing blue light blocking glasses EVERY TIME you are looking at screens. (39:03)
  • Where to score the best Halloween candy. (44:50)
  • New Program Alert!! MAPS POWERLIFT is out!! Come follow along with Sal and Adam. (46:55)
  • Shout out to Task Force 52! (57:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you have any advice for someone trying to put on muscle but is struggling with eating extra calories? If I eat more than I’m currently eating it makes me feel sick.  (58:51)
  • #Quah question #2 – When you reach a point you stop gaining weight, how do you get over that point? Is it better to back off your calorie intake or increase it even more? (1:06:14)
  • #Quah question #3 – A college professor told us that the eccentric part of the lift is the only important part of the lift because it tears the muscle. If someone only repeated the eccentric part of the lift, would they see major gains or is it a myth? (1:11:27)
  • #Quah question #4 – Imagine your 18 again, with the knowledge you have today. What does your training look like for your sports or competitions? (1:16:32)

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Oct 28, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with Mark "Smelly" Bell.

  • The unlikely sports Mark did when he was younger. (1:57)
  • How being wealthy is just as embarrassing as being poor. (5:12)
  • The fine line between how much we push our children. (9:38)
  • How would he define success for his kids? (11:35)
  • The significance of having quality TIME in the Bell household. (12:36)
  • The battle of managing digital wellness in today’s landscape. (15:47)
  • Mark’s take on the vegan movement and the premise behind The Game Changer’s documentary. (23:20)
  • What was his diet like before going carnivore? (28:33)
  • How every plus has a minus when it comes to the foods we eat. (32:38)
  • Why we should all have some caution with what we are taking: Mark shares the reasoning behind his supplement line and why he takes kratom. (34:52)
  • How does he stay lean and jacked today? (45:41)
  • Has there been anything that he learned from his bodybuilding training that he has kept in his current training? (50:07)
  • Are there big differences in the anabolic substances used in bodybuilding in comparison to powerlifting? (53:30)
  • If it’s not full it’s empty. (56:07)
  • What are his views on SARMS? (57:50)
  • The most common mistakes people make when trying to start a business. (59:45)
  • What is the best advice he has gotten? (1:04:15)
  • The importance of testing the water before you dive in. (1:06:08)
  • The value of team building and what does leadership mean to him. (1:07:46)
  • What are the greatest challenges for the CEO of a company? (1:11:03)
  • What role does the podcast play in his business? How does he pick the guests? (1:17:37)
  • One thing we would be surprised to learn about Mark? (1:22:36)
  • Biggest insecurity? (1:25:02)
  • His social media endgame. (1:26:51)

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Oct 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about daily undulation, keeping your feet and knees straight during a squat or deadlift, how to reduce volume when overtraining, and what a good relationship with food looks like vs. a poor one.

  • Using photobiomodulation for brain disorders?! A new study shines a light. (4:45)
  • We are NOT supposed to play god. The guys discuss the Netflix series Unnatural Selection and just because we can do it, doesn’t mean we should. (8:08)
  • Never take health advice from a bodybuilder. (13:50)
  • The creepy things people can do with technology. (18:40)
  • The guys share their service industry stories from HELL! (22:36)
  • What’s up with Bill Cosby?! (36:06)
  • #Quah question #1 – What do you guys think about daily undulation? (39:27)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do you work on keeping your feet and knees straight during a squat or deadlift? I’ve tried keeping them that way, but it’s more comfortable to point my toes slightly out. (47:15)
  • #Quah question #3 – When overtraining you talked about lowering the volume. Should we reduce the volume on big ‘key’ lifts or smaller lifts? (52:52)
  • #Quah question #4 – You always talk about the importance of relationships with food. Can you give an example of what a good relationship with food looks like vs. a poor one? (58:44)

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Oct 25, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat, whether the pump promotes more strength or muscle growth long-term, the effect of consistent resistance training on type 1 diabetics, and whether humans are hardwired to be competitive.

  • How Mind Pump has impacted and changed lives. (4:27)
  • Quentin Tarantino gives China the middle finger. (10:33)
  • Sal recaps his trip to LA to hang and podcast with Max Lugavere. (14:09)
  • The reason why the guys like to challenge the PhD’s they have on their show. (18:03)
  • The 5 natural cannabinoids your body produces and why we have them. (20:34)
  • Will utilizing too much THC cause estrogenic and testosterone effects? (27:47)
  • The evolution of marijuana strains and how they have changed over the years. (29:14)
  • Why being strong can reduce all-cause mortality. (32:17)
  • Justin touches base on his rat infestation. (36:22)
  • Arachnophobia is real people! (40:28)
  • Mind Pump recommends The Righteous Gemstones on HBO. (42:08)
  • #Quah question #1 – What's the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat? (44:26)
  • #Quah question #2 – What's the point of chasing a pump? Does it promote more strength or muscle growth long-term? (56:12)
  • #Quah question #3 - What effect does consistent resistance training have on type 1 diabetics? (1:04:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – Are humans hardwired to be competitive? (1:08:43)

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Oct 24, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss 8 ways to build strength in the gym.

  • Strength, the foundational physical pursuit. (2:05)
  • The eight most important factors when it comes to resistance training in order to build strength. (5:52)
    • #1 - The importance of establishing good form. (7:42)
    • #2 – Adding progressive resistance. (15:05)
    • #3 – Incorporating free weight exercises into your routine. (20:04)
    • #4 – The importance of incorporating the ‘Big 4”. (25:03)
    • #5 – Sticking to the basics. (31:45)
    • #6 – The value of tracking to avoid plateaus. (36:10)
    • #7 – To NOT train or lift to failure. (43:02)
    • #8 – You MUST phase your training. (50:42)

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Oct 23, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about their favorite machines, how to grow traps, exercises or techniques to overcome a plateau and increase the weight you’re able to lift, and one bad habit they are working on.

  • Mind Pump x Nutritional Coaching Institute have partnered up! The importance of effective communication and combating the poor information by ‘Insta’ coaches. (5:20)
  • Sal is down with the thickness! (12:52)
  • The guys recap their extended trip to Tahoe. The value of unplugging/scheduling time away to cultivate creativity and become more effective at what you do. (16:24)
  • The benefits of having a home gym and the freedom it provides you. (24:30)
  • What are Mind Pump’s go-to Halloween movies? (30:33)
  • The beginning of the end of the war on drugs: Chicago becomes the next city to decriminalize psychedelic plants. (34:40)
  • How taking creatine may fight cancer. (38:14)
  • What makes someone charismatic? (40:28)
  • #Quah question #1 – Despite you guys not loving machines, what is your favorite machine and why? (42:33)
  • #Quah question #2 - How do I grow my traps? (50:14)
  • #Quah question #3 – When you hit a plateau with your deadlift, what exercises or techniques can you implement to help overcome the plateau and increase the weight you’re able to lift? (55:32)
  • #Quah question #4 – What's one bad habit you are working on or would like to work on? And what’s one bad habit you are just not that concerned about? (1:03:17)

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Mind Pump Free Resources

Oct 21, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak to Ben Greenfield about unschooling his kids, nootropics, putting on several pounds of muscle in just a few months, The Game Changers documentary, aging and more.

  • Discussing a woman’s proper place in the home. (2:10)
  • Ben’s ultimate pesto recipe from plants in your backyard. (4:52)
  • Unschooling his sons: Free thinking, creating creative workers, identifying what you’re passionate about & MORE. (7:28) 
  •  The importance of being an example to your kids and creating an environment that allows them to cultivate creativity. (15:07) 
  • What challenges has he faced so far? (18:03)
  • Fostering resilience and his son's rite of passage. (20:03)
  • How has he incorporated plant medicine into his life? (23:12)
  • Open relationships: Their connection to plant medicines, his take & MORE. (26:07)
  • Why he believes everything was put on the planet for a purpose. (35:17)
  • How Ben got JACKED! (39:50)
  • The guys talk the Game Changers documentary, veganism vs carnivore, figuring out the right diet for you & MORE. (46:24)
  • The overlooked psychological elements of food. (57:00)
  • The proper balance of living a long & high quality of life and acknowledging one's mortality. (1:04:26)
  • What excites him most in the field of anti-aging? (1:08:00)
  • His six variables for mitochondria he addresses with everyone he works with. (1:14:37)
  • Has he ever had something go wrong with any of his bio hacks? (1:17:36)
  • Are his days as an endurance athlete numbered? (1:19:15)

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Oct 19, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about incorporating AMRAP and EMOM sets into daily workouts, exercises that work the chest without using shoulders, where or when mobility workouts come into play when getting back in shape, and the best methods for fat loss in 80+-year-olds with limitations.

  • Why Mind Pump does not like their athletes getting involved with politics. (4:51)
  • Don’t tell Americans what to do! (9:04)
  • How Vurori has clothing for all seasons! (11:57)
  • The guys rave about their newest sponsor Caldera Labs. Where they harvest the ingredients for their products, the benefits and the importance of what you put on your skin. (13:08)
  • The value Sal is getting from journaling. (17:08)
  • The common stereotypes of dads. (23:37)
  • Mind Pump talks about the recent Disney remakes. (26:08)
  • Creating more creativity or distraction? The pros and cons of autonomy. (31:02)
  • The competitiveness of the new gig economy in attracting talent. (35:02)
  • The guys comment on Layne Norton’s latest video assessing BCAA’s. (40:29)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is your opinion on incorporating AMRAP and EMOM sets into your daily workouts? (46:38)
  • #Quah question #2 – I've been having chronic shoulder pain which makes it difficult and painful to bench press. Are there any other exercises that work the chest without using shoulders? (52:22)
  • #Quah question #3 - When getting back into shape, where or when do mobility workouts come into play? We are not working with a personal trainer. (57:45)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the best methods for fat loss in 80+-year-olds with limitations? (1:03:31)

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Oct 18, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to lose 50+ pounds, whether you lose muscle mass as you age, the difference doing seated vs standing exercises makes, and organizing the payment side of a personal training business.

  • Adam shares his experience visiting the ‘magical’ place that is Organifi HQ: Good vibes + excellent culture = success. (4:20)
  • Does having a higher IQ mean you're more at risk of developing a mental illness than the rest of the population? (20:42)
  • How Kayne West is finding himself through religion. (24:36)
  • The importance of being the example rather than the preacher. (27:30)
  • What has the feedback been like from the Nir Eyal episode? (32:56)
  • Sal’s daughter is hooked on her Felix Gray glasses. (33:46)
  • Why LeBron James is full of shit. The importance of standing behind what you are doing. (35:50)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is your best advice for someone who wants to lose 50+ pounds? Where to start, how to stay motivated and how to transition from unhealthy to healthy habits? (43:08)
  • #Quah question #2 – I've heard the older you get you begin to lose muscle mass. Is this true? If it’s true, can it be reversed with weight training? Is it harder to make gains the older you get? (54:52)
  • #Quah question #3 – When it is appropriate to sit or stand for an exercise? For example, seated dumbbell curls vs standing dumbbell curls. What difference does sitting vs standing make? (1:04:53)
  • #Quah question #4 – I recently went full-time with my training business and I’m trying to organize the payment side of the business. How do you recommend going about payments, so you can scale the business better? (1:10:40)

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Oct 17, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss overtraining; what it is, how to identify if you are doing it and how to recover from it.

  • Falling into the trap if some is good then more is better. (2:09)
  • How do you define overtraining and if you are potentially doing it? (5:07)
  • 9 Obvious Signs You are Overtraining:
    • #1 - Frequent injury or chronic pain. (15:10)
    • #2 – Extended muscle soreness. (18:48)
    • #3 – Decreased performance. (25:35)
    • #4 – Insomnia or changes in sleeping patterns. (28:57)
    • #5 – Excessive fatigue. (32:50)
    • #6 – Loss of appetite and cravings. (35:00)
    • #7 – Getting sick very easily. (37:48)
    • #8 – Mood changes, agitated or depressed. (41:27)
    • #9 – Metabolic imbalances. (45:07)
  • Taking Action: What to do if you have 4 or more of these signs? (49:25)

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Oct 16, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the benefits and detriments of squatting every day, whether it is feasible to do a bikini competition in 6 months if overweight and out of shape, thoughts on fitness conventions, and what’s in store for Mind Pump in 2020.

  • The nonsense the guys came up with when they learned about ‘bad’ words. (5:07)
  • The funny things you do as a kid just by watching adults. (10:45)
  • The differences between brewed vs. Instant coffee. (17:36)
  • Justin recaps his ‘Boy’s Weekend’ in Tahoe. (20:52)
  • How the internet is going bonkers over this Fortnite news, and its connection with China & MORE. (26:00)
  • Justin reviews Korn’s new album. (33:01)
  • Come get this! Adam and Sal continue their little jabs on Instagram. (34:03)
  • Justin: The Skinny Dipped Hoarder. (36:45)
  • Bad news cannabis users: Marijuana breathalyzers could hit the streets as early as 2020. (38:16)
  • Don’t text and drive people! (41:30)
  • A man just ran a marathon in under 2 hours for the first time! (43:23)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your guy’s thoughts on something like ‘Squatober’ where you are squatting every day of the week aside from the active rest weekends? Is that a good amount of frequency or can it be too much? (48:03)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is it feasible to do a bikini competition for the first time in 6 months from now if overweight and out of shape? (55:31)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on fitness conventions? Are they a good way to meet and see people in the community or just an unnecessary gimmick for selling supplements? Do you ever go to them? (1:01:47)
  • #Quah question #4 - What’s in store for 2020? (1:09:27)

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Oct 14, 2019

Interview Nir Eyal 

  • Making the case why technology is NOT irresistible. (3:08)
  • What is the definition of distraction and traction? (7:55)
  • Why do we do anything? Understanding the nature of human emotion. (9:06)
  • Technology is the tool: It’s all about how we USE IT. (11:07)
  • The technique of using tech against tech: #1 - Social antibodies. (19:50)
  • Making time for traction: Technique #2. (24:44)
  • Hacking back the external triggers: Technique #3. (26:29)
  • Preventing distraction with packs: Technique #4. (27:19)
  • The 3 concepts of social competence and wellbeing when it comes to our children. (28:37)
  • What are some things he agrees with his fellow researchers and what do they disagree on? (35:27)
  • Understanding what your values are and turning those into time. (38:50)
  • What’s the role of dopamine in the brain? (40:05)
  • How technology can be ADDICTIVE, but not affect everyone: The nature of addiction. (41:50)
  • What is his take on the future of technology? (46:10)
  • Why ‘filter bubbles’ is nothing new. (53:03)
  • The importance of having a conversation rather than fear-mongering. (56:56)

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Oct 12, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether sauna use right after a workout is a good idea, how to improve a weak bench press, the best approach to reverse dieting, and whether it is appropriate to develop a training business outside of the club that is currently providing you with leads and clients.

  • Why do people wear those face masks? (4:12)
  • People have weird fetishes. (6:40)
  • What is the Mind Pump Private Forum and what kind of questions are asked in there? (10:20)
  • A great example of why we don’t want all our power with one company: The new normal of PG&E. (12:29)
  • The ultimate flex! Mind Pump raves about their new Infrared Sauna partner. (19:36)
  • Do the guys have PR goals they would like to reach? (25:00)
  • Do we want scientists messing with genetically engineered babies?! (29:05)
  • MIIR x Mind Pump mules. (31:20)
  • Justin is the Moscow Mule King. (34:02)
  • Owning a dog can SAVE YOUR LIFE! (35:36)
  • The first evidence of the human race storing food. (37:57)
  • #Quah question #1 – I know you guys previously said that jumping in the sauna right after a workout isn't the best thing, but if time is limited isn't it better to do it before or after a workout than not at all? (41:11)
  • #Quah question #2 – I'm really weak at the bench press and can’t seem to gain strength. I have checked and re-checked my form, but have found no issues. What should I do next? (49:11)
  • #Quah question #3 – You guys always talk about reverse dieting. What exactly is it and what would be the best approach? (56:47)
  • #Quah question #4 - If you are employed by a gym that provides you with leads and clients, is it inappropriate to also develop your training business outside of the club? Not everyone who wants to train with me wants to pay for the gym's membership. (1:02:51)

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Oct 11, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about if quad dominance is a real thing and if so, how to overcome it, when carbs are helpful even though they are not essential, their favorite Mind Pump Live event, and how close of a relationship you can develop with a client before you cross the line.

  • Adam’s lack of sleep, and challenges he has been facing and what he has been doing to combat that. (4:55)
  • Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Joker’. (10:55)
  • How there are companies in business that provide unique services. (16:00)
  • Are testosterone levels seasonal? (18:12)
  • The Mind Pump staff all have their own sense of humor. (23:15)
  • Has people's perception changed since being able to watch the guys podcast on YouTube? (25:51)
  • Are there heavy metals in my protein powder? (27:52)
  • Justin’s most brilliant idea EVER! (30:48)
  • #Quah question #1 – So many women are saying they are quad dominant. Is this a real thing or are women just wanting to improve their glutes? (35:24)
  • #Quah question #2 – You mentioned how carbs aren’t essential, but where do you find them to be helpful? (48:05)
  • #Quah question #3 - What has been each of your favorite live events so far? Are there more in the future and where do you see them going? (54:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the line concerning your relationship with your clients? How close do you think you can get to them before it gets crossed? (1:05:08)

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Oct 10, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss the challenges of aging and the best form of exercise to combat them.

  • The growing movement of anti-aging/longevity. (2:50)
  • Why being alive is not just about dying. (5:21)
  • At what point is ‘biohacking’ not improving your quality of life? (8:10)
  • Could doctors tell when people are getting ready to go? (10:20)
  • Why exercise benefits your life in MORE ways than just your health. (14:25)
  • What defines a positive quality of life? (16:35)
  • The loss of mobility and potential side effects from lack of movement. (24:10)
  • The Resistance Training Revolution: The issues that are the result of modern life and how resistance training is the BEST prescription. (34:00)
  • How most deaths link back to obesity. (45:30)
  • What is the BEST form of exercise to tackle obesity LONG TERM? (46:35)
  • Why Mind Pump is NOT anti-cardio, but PRO longevity. (52:50)

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Oct 9, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about integrating cluster sets into MAPS, SARMS, staying healthy during long road trips, and coping mechanisms when dealing with anxiety.

  • How genetics play a larger role than we think when it comes to our physique. Our perception of normal and how your average becomes an average of what you see. (4:35)
  • Adam’s new deep freezer, learning the cadence of his subscriptions like Butcher Box & the difference of quality of grass-fed meat. (22:03)
  • Mind Pump talks about food and #MindPumpKitchen. (27:08) 
  • How Ned is the leader of full-spectrum hemp products + the launch of their new women’s line. (28:36)
  • The guys discuss the latest Joe Rogan podcast on UFOs/aliens and share their own conspiracy theories. (33:23)
  • Mind Pump Science Hour: Asteroids passing by the earth this week, scientists engineering bacterium that poops out huge amounts of psilocybin & MORE. (40:40)
  • How China molds and controls its population. (44:13)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your thoughts on cluster sets and how would you integrate them into MAPS? (46:41) 
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on SARMS? (55:41)
  • #Quah question #3 – How do you guys stay healthy during long road trips? Do you meal prep or get food on the road? (1:04:15)
  • #Quah question #4 – Have you ever dealt with major anxiety and if so, what have been some of your best coping mechanisms? (1:15:45)

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Oct 7, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with 4x world champion obstacle course racer Amelia Boone who goes into detail about her 20-year struggle with Anorexia and how she is taking control of this long-term challenge.

  • Her internal struggle with food and timeline leading up to her entering an eating disorder treatment center. (3:30)
  • Why it is so prevalent to talk about your relationship with food. (8:34)
  • How she feels brought to life by a challenge and the triggers that came from it. (9:42)
  • The value of unpacking bad behaviors. (12:32)
  • How the internal intrinsic motivations/characteristics that make you excel in so many areas of your life are also the ones that can drive you into mental health disorders. (14:12)
  • What did the process of treatment look like for her? (17:32)
  • Why she chose the treatment program she did and what was the most difficult part about it? (22:57)
  • Were there common things she found that was the underlying issue of the disorder? (28:25)
  • Her advice to parents regarding their own children. (30:18)
  • What has she incorporated into her life since being out of the treatment center? (32:25)
  • Did she share her story to inspire others? (33:45)
  • Does she feel more like herself since going through this process? (36:38)
  • Why no two eating disorders look the same: The importance of NOT making foods off-limits. (41:08)
  • How has she managed her nutrient/hormone levels through this process? (43:47)
  • Making friends with your feelings. (46:22)
  • What has the feedback been from her audience? (48:19)
  • Why we don’t recommend diets, we discuss them. (51:05)
  • How having GOOD relationships is GOOD for your health and wellbeing. (54:05)
  • Why we need a cultural shift around the weight stigma and the feeling of being hungry. (58:08)
  • What foods make her happy now? (1:02:15)
  • What does her current training look like? (1:04:30)

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Oct 5, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the barbell hip thrust, the optimal heart rate before performing the next set, The Rock’s cheat meals, and favorite pre and post-workout meals.

  • Want to see the ‘handsome-ish’ gentlemen behind the mics check out the podcasts on YouTube. (3:20)
  • You can’t FAKE authenticity. (6:30)
  • The benefits of turmeric/curcumin to raise testosterone that can be found in Organifi’s Gold Juice. (15:43)
  • Do testosterone boosters work for women? (17:36)
  • The results from Sal’s online ADHD test. How forgetful are the guys?? (20:52)
  • Updates on #DadLife from Adam: Learning to be OK with his level of fitness, the value in asking for help & MORE. (27:24)
  • A new study is showing chimps are able to think about what we are thinking about. (38:38)
  • #Quah question #1 – Thoughts about the barbell hip thrust? Does it have any benefits besides the aesthetic of a larger butt? (43:59)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is there an optimal heart rate to perform your next set in order to maximize muscle growth? (50:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – Can you talk about The Rock’s cheat meals? Is this message harmless or harmful to the fitness community? (54:39)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your favorite pre and post-workout meals? (1:00:39)

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Oct 4, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about lifts that help improve the bench, squat and deadlift, the benefit of including power cleans, push presses, high pulls, clean pulls, Pendlay rows, and more into workouts for muscle and strength gains, the danger of injury when working out in freezing temperatures, and private school vs public school.

  • How there is an ideal temperature for the best sleep quality. The game-changing benefits of the ChiliPad. (7:08)
  • Old school technology facts brought to you by Sal Di Stefano. (10:30)
  • When Adam posts exercise videos the trolls come out. (14:00)
  • The importance of having an outlet to release your rage. (16:52)
  • How Skinny Dipped is destroying its competition. (19:06)
  • Mind Pump Recommends ‘Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates’ on Netflix. (20:43)
  • Fitness through the decades: The running revolution from the 70s/80s and how we are poised for a new fitness revolution. (25:56)
  • New viral fitness trends, the importance of community when working out, communicating the RIGHT way with your clients & MORE. (29:30)
  • How the RIGHT dose is the BEST dose when it comes to training. (37:16)
  • California will allow college athletes to profit from endorsements under a bill signed by Newsom. Mind Pump provides their first take. (44:10)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you guys talk about lifts that help improve the bench, squat, and deadlift? (52:19)
  • #Quah question #2 – Thoughts on an Olympic lifting inspired phase of training including things like power cleans, push presses, high pulls, clean pulls, Pendlay rows, etc. for muscle and strength gains? (1:04:07)
  • #Quah question #3 – I have a detached garage and I have turned it into a gym. I am in the northeast and the winters are rough, my garage has no heat. Are there any dangers, as far as injuries, when working out in freezing temperatures? (1:09:46)
  • #Quah question #4 – I would love to hear your point of view on private school vs public school? (1:16:06)

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Oct 3, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss how to build the triceps.

  • How the triceps are the defining characteristic of the arm. (2:38)
  • The anatomy of the triceps: The attachments, myths, function & MORE. (5:10)
  • The 4 MOST important things to FOCUS on when training your triceps. (13:18)
  • What rep ranges do the triceps respond to? (28:38)
  • How to incorporate BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) into your triceps routine. (29:21)
  • What is the ideal set count for the triceps for the week? Frequency of training? (31:23)
  • The SPECIFIC exercises that MUST be in your routine to build/sculpt your triceps. (33:15)
  • Mind Pump’s PHENOMENAL tricep building workouts: Exercises, rep ranges, sets & MORE. 
    • Sal’s workout. (40:21)
    • Adam’s workout. (42:21)
    • Justin’s workout. (44:05)

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Oct 2, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about training around training around  a torn rotator cuff and AC joint sprain, fixing knee pain, how to handle hunger during a fast, and favorite types of gyms. 

  • The story behind Arnold’s illegitimate child. (5:58)
  • How the reishi mushroom has antihistamine properties that can aid with allergy/sinus issues. (12:52)
  • Recapping the Mind Pump Live Event with Mike Matthews. (17:30)
  • Adam hooks up Mike Matthews with Vuori Clothing. (21:56)
  • Sal reveals his blood test results. (23:18)
  • Justin and Courtney watch the Four Horsemen video from John Gottman and gain some great insight into their relationship. (28:22)
  • The benefits of supplementing with choline to improve cognitive performance + the demonization of meat by the vegan community. (31:52)
  • Adam and Maximus share an evening together. (38:27)
  • Sal recommends Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark + the guys talk Halloween costumes. (44:39)
  • #Quah question #1 – I'm dealing with a torn rotator cuff and AC joint sprain. How would you advise training around this injury? (50:09)
  • #Quah question #2 – I’ve been struggling with knee pain for years due to pronation distortion, what’s the best way to go about fixing this issue? I know I have posture problems, but don’t know where to start. (57:55)
  • #Quah question #3 - How do you guys handle hunger during a fast? (1:03:00)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your favorite types of gyms to go to and how does the experience differ? (1:07:05)

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