
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: August, 2020
Aug 31, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the four main reasons why people have a hard time building their butt and what they can do about it.

  • The JLo effect. (2:40)
  • The 4 Reasons Why People Struggle to Build Their Butt. (4:00)
    • #1 - Exercise selection. (8:50)
      • Not all exercises are created equal. (10:30)
      • The BEST butt building exercises. (14:10)
    • #2 - Poor muscle recruitment patterns. (19:38)
    • #3 - How your programming is designed. (26:37)
      • Cardio is NOT your friend. (29:43)
      • The value of hiring a good trainer. (31:44)
    • #4 - Poor nutrition. (33:48)
      • Where do I start? (35:23)

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Aug 29, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the most chronically under-trained muscle group for most people, programming endurance into your workouts without sacrificing muscle growth, what constitutes a processed food, and whether gluttony is a fair criticism of Christianity.

1369: The Most Under-Trained Muscle, How to Preserve Muscle While Training for Endurance, the Benefits of Limiting Processed Foods & More

  • Adam’s tech surprise. (5:10)
  • Dad jokes are great. (9:37)
  • How the Pluto Pillow is a game-changer when it comes to great sleep. (10:20)
  • Mind Pump Shout Outs. (13:19)
  • How every parent loves compliments, teenage growing pains & MORE. (16:26)
  • Mind Pump Reminisces: Their first experiences in the gym, the supplements they took from back in the day & MORE. (20:20)
  • Walmart putting their name in the hat for TikTok. (29:30)
  • Bella Thorne x OnlyFans. (31:48)
  • Sports are pissing people off. (33:45)
  • How Call of Duty is trying to educate their users. (38:47)
  • Adam has a bone to pick with Hard Knocks. (40:10)
  • Sal loves Adam’s Organifi “balls.” (43:20)
  • The most regretted college majors (and the least). (44:09)
  • Caught cheating on Google maps. (46:04)
  • Win a day with the Mind Pump Media Crew! #AppearOnMindPump (47:15)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the most chronically under-trained muscle group for most people? (49:57)
  • #Quah question #2 – I just did a week of steep mountain trekking and realized I have undertrained endurance. I currently lift weights 3-6 days a week. How do I program endurance or uphill trekking training into my workouts without sacrificing muscle growth? Is this possible? (56:05)
  • #Quah question #3 - What actually constitutes processed foods? Is protein powder processed? How about protein bars or yogurt? Where do you draw the line? (1:02:57)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do you think gluttony is a fair criticism of Christianity? Have you seen clients or other use faith to back up gluttony? (1:11:14)

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  • Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) on Instagram
  • Organifi (@organifi) on Instagram
Aug 28, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best way to keep muscle while cutting, whether smelling salts actually do anything physically to help you lift, how often you should to do mobility work for each body part, and staying healthy while transitioning into a more intuitive, less calculated lifestyle.

  • Why the sleepy face Justin? (5:40)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, High Score on Netflix. (8:05)
  • Mind Pump’s “Choose your character.” (17:49)
  • Paleo Valley, high-quality nutrient-dense products in pill or food form. (22:02)
  • KFC is pulling back their classic slogan amid the pandemic. (24:25)
  • When a bodybuilder does American Ninja Warrior. (28:35)
  • Good on the owners of Atilis Gym. (33:42)
  • Taking advantage of the system, the PPP loan fraud scheme. (36:01)
  • Another study supporting the benefits of resistance training. (39:01)
  • Deion Sanders x Barstool Sports. (40:40)
  • Sending prayers to Adam’s bulldog. (42:03)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the best way to keep muscle while cutting? Is it possible to build muscle while in a deficit? (48:25)
  • #Quah question #2 – Do smelling salts do anything physically to help you lift? I heard one powerlifter say it helps open up your sinuses for easier breathing, but is that accurate? (54:32)
  • #Quah question #3 - How often should I do mobility work for each body part? I have multiple areas hindering my lifts, but find it hard to find the time needed each day. (1:01:10)
  • #Quah question #4 – I have been tracking and working with an online trainer for a while, but the constant tracking, measuring, and weighing has started to become an issue for my mental health. What are your suggested steps for someone who wants to continue to stay healthy, but also wants to transition into a more intuitive, less calculated lifestyle? (1:05:49)

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Aug 27, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss five different ways to signal your body to add muscle.

  • Piecing together the adaptation process and sending the RIGHT signals to your body. (2:08)
  • The 5 Most Powerful Signals that Tell Your Body to Build Muscle. 
    • #1 – Get stronger. (7:50)
    • #2 - The pump. (15:32)
    • #3 – Learning to increase your workload slowly over time. (22:20)
    • #4 – Increasing calorie and protein intake. (29:27)
    • #5 – Balancing your hormones by getting healthy. (34:54)

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Aug 26, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about gymnastic rings, good performance goals to focus on, the primary and accessory exercises to program into a full body training routine, and their thoughts on bootcamps.

  • Adam versus the bear. (6:30)
  • It smells like a campfire in the bay area. (20:01)
  • Updates on the evacuation notice for the Andrews family. (20:47)
  • Putting things in perspective. (30:00)
  • The online market is exploding for trainers. (37:09)
  • A conversation surrounding the value of going to college and how statistics are misleading. (42:43)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is your opinion on gymnastic rings? (50:14)
  • #Quah question #2 – You guys often push to achieve performance goals versus aesthetic goals. What are some performance goals that I can focus on achieving, such as greater mobility or strength goals? (54:33)
  • #Quah question #3 – If you were programming a full-body routine, what primary exercises would you build it around and how would you rotate in other accessory exercises? (1:04:41)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on boot camps? I’m a trainer who focuses more on one-on-one training, but there are other trainers in my gym who do more group HIIT training. My concern is that the average person has high stress and performing these high-intensity exercises is only exacerbating that. I am supposed to be taking over some of those classes, but I worry that they are doing more harm than good. (1:12:56)

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Aug 24, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Aaron Alexander, author of The Align Method, about the importance of posture, mobility, and movement on health and longevity.

  • The interesting dance with your ego. (3:53)
  • The detriments of leading with your imposter versus authentic self. (6:09)
  • The perception of safety. (10:12)
  • How humans are extremely complex. (12:55)
  • The stigma around cannabis. (15:08)
  • The practiced skill of thinking slowly. (16:52)
  • Disorganization can lead to parasites. (18:33)
  • The skill of reading body language. (21:11)
  • Always question the things you feel most passionate about. (23:05)
  • How your thoughts and moods affect your movements. (27:12)
  • How there is a lot of wisdom in spiritual practices. (30:42)
  • Do people store emotions in their bodies? (33:34)
  • How we are a product of our childhood. (40:30)
  • The fine line of not letting your insecurities consume you. (45:23)
  • How your perception of yourself impacts the way that you carry your movement. (48:57)
  • Best practices to be a happier person. (59:14)
  • The importance of disrupting your day to day life. (1:05:17)
  • Be more honest with your biology. (1:08:45)
  • Consistent movement matters. (1:14:47)
  • Leveraging leverage. (1:27:18)
  • Best practices to incorporate hip hinging into your daily life. (1:29:36)
  • The Western Medicine bottle. (1:32:43)
  • The power of proper nasal breathing. (1:35:15)
  • Are we heading towards being plugged in? (1:42:34)
  • Our perceived happiness over possessions rather than people. (1:45:20)
  • How LA is like an oven. (1:54:05)
  • Are you consumed by the game or a witness? (1:55:51)
  • Ancient wisdom and science have polarities. (2:01:22)
  • The unintended consequences of capturing rather than viewing. (2:06:26)

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Aug 22, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the effects of low carb diets on hormones, science that proves “old man strength,” branding and marketing in order to appeal to both men and women, and how to tackle the obesity epidemic.

  • Mind Pump Kitchen: “No-Bake” Organifi protein balls. (5:39)
  • Mind Pump, BIG gaming guys. (7:07)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, Mythic Quest on Apple+. (9:35)
  • Parents are guard dogs. (11:00)
  • Fun Facts with Justin. (13:45)
  • Beware of things that are too good to be true. (15:24)
  • Introducing Mind Pump’s newest sponsor, Oli Pop. (24:15)
  • Get your tin foil hats on! 750 million GMO mosquitoes to be released in Florida. (30:19)
  • The benefits of slowing down your reps to get better results. (35:11)
  • Another case for the benefits of priming. (38:25)
  • Want to be Bud Light’s Chief ‘Meme’ Officer?! (40:15)
  • The social justice warriors are foaming at the mouth! The latest victim of cancel culture. (42:24)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the effects of low carb diets on hormones? (48:21)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is there any science that proves “old man strength” is really a thing? (53:32)
  • #Quah question #3 – How much do you think about your branding and marketing in order to appeal to both men and women? (57:23)
  • #Quah question #4 – Here's the scenario, the President appoints Mind Pump Media to address the country's obesity epidemic. What’s the first issue you tackle and how do you approach it? (1:08:25)

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Aug 21, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether wearing a weighted vest or a hoodie during cardio makes a difference in the amount of calories burned, difference between introducing new exercises for the sake of stimulating versus confusing, whether pregnant women need to change the way they lift, and the first thing they will do when the pandemic is finally over.

  • Mind Pump’s goal for the world. (4:33)
  • The healthy supplement trends. (22:55)
  • Mind Pump’s conflicted feelings surrounding Magic Spoon cereal. (24:52)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, (Un)Well on Netflix. (28:50)
  • Adam’s sauna prank on Justin. (36:25)
  • Cardi B interviews Joe Biden. What world are we living in?! (39:45)
  • California is burning. (44:43)
  • Google can now predict earthquakes. (45:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – Does wearing a weighted vest or a hoodie during cardio really make a difference in the number of calories burned? Or is it like the oxygen restriction masks and just to perceive difficulty? (48:52)
  • #Quah question #2 – In a recent episode you talked about the importance of introducing new exercises to elicit a new stimulus and to work muscles in a novel way. In previous episodes, you have mentioned that there is no need to confuse muscles and that progressive overload is the principle that will stimulate muscle growth. Can you elaborate and clarify the difference between introducing new exercises for the sake of stimulating versus confusing? (53:33)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do pregnant women need to change the way they lift? (59:30
  • #Quah question #4 – When the pandemic is finally over, what will be the first thing that you will do that you haven’t been able to do? (1:10:15)

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Aug 20, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss what you can learn about building muscle from prison inmates, gymnasts, and sprinters.

  • How there is a lot to learn about building muscle from other modalities. (4:10)
  • The biggest mistake you can make in fitness. (11:15)
  • Evolve or die. (14:05)
  • What you can learn about muscle building from prison inmates. (17:25)
    • Utilize extreme frequency. (19:07)
    • Creativity. (25:36)
    • Forced discipline. (29:25)
  • What you can learn about muscle building from gymnasts. (31:57)
    • The use of high-tension isometrics. (32:07)
    • Don’t workout, practice. (40:49)
    • Address mobility and full range of motion. (45:20)
  • What you can learn about muscle building from sprinters. (49:55)
    • Train explosively. (50:29)
    • Apply long rest periods. (58:40)
  • The benefits and values of MAPS Programs. (59:55)

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Aug 19, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to know if your workout is adequately creating a muscle building signal, the importance of getting mirrors for your home gym, whether teenagers should focus on aesthetics after being introduced to resistance training, and tips on cultivating confidence in life.

  • It’s HOT out there in the Bay Area. (6:06)
  • What is a ‘derecho’?! (9:57)
  • In manly news out of Australia... (11:49)
  • Mind Pump’s takeaways from their latest viral episode, Carnivore vs Vegan. (13:17)
  • The new hustle, Miracle Spring Water. (19:32)
  • Why politicians like to target the wealthy. (23:34)
  • CBD dramatically increases blood flow to the brain, study. (28:45)
  • How technology creates competition. (33:15)
  • Doug is a really good cook. (41:30)
  • More companies evolving amid the pandemic. (47:29)
  • #Quah question #1 - You talk a lot about the muscle-building signal. Can you explain this more on how to know if your workout is adequately creating this without going to failure or going beast mode all the time? (49:46)
  • #Quah question #2 – How important do you think it is to get mirrors for your home gym? (59:06)
  • #Quah question #3 – Should teenagers focus on aesthetics after being introduced to resistance training? And should they monitor their caloric and protein intake to accommodate their fitness goals? (1:02:52)
  • #Quah question #4 – You guys seem to have a lot of confidence. Do you have any tips on cultivating confidence in life? (1:10:11)

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Aug 17, 2020

In this episode, Sal speaks with plant based advocate Dr. Will Bulsiewicz and carnivore advocate Dr. Paul Saladino.

  • An interview with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz. 
  • Is Will pro-plant based or pro-vegan? What are the differences? (4:42)
  • How the food he was eating was holding him back. (6:37)
  • How a plant-based diet allows you to activate satiety hormones to get into a calorie deficit. (11:16)
  • Making the case for protein, the most satisfying macronutrient. (13:10)
  • The educational problems surrounding planet-based diets. (16:22)
  • Having the evolutionary conversation around eating meat. (18:05)
  • Is longevity engineered? (22:57)
  • Has he run into any clients who don’t do well on a plant-based diet? (27:07)
  • His take on creatine. (29:31)
  • Does meat by itself post any health risks? (33:15)
  • Looking at the layers of evidence. What’s the deal with this TMAO? (35:35)
  • Is it possible to build muscle on a plant-based diet? (37:45)
  • His take on veganism being linked to higher rates of mental illness. (41:16)
  • An interview with Dr. Paul Saladino. (43:35)
  • What is the carnivore diet? (44:14)
  • Why does he believe that plants are bad for us? (47:22)
  • Doesn’t processing vegetables get around their toxins? (52:22)
  • Explaining the plant toxicity spectrum. (56:17)
  • What’s up with fiber?! (1:01:21)
  • The effects of no vitamin c in our diet. (1:06:55)
  • The mainstream dogma surrounding saturated fat. (1:09:55)
  • Debunking the blue zones. (1:19:37)
  • The role of carbohydrates when it comes to athletic performance. (1:23:14)
  • Mind Pump Recap and Key Takeaways: Carnivore vs. Vegan. (1:27:28)

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Aug 15, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the physical and mental signs of overtraining, whether walking counts as cardio, the best ways to improve posture, and if it is better healthwise to eat a whole pan of brownies in one sitting or spread it out throughout the week.

  • The signs of aging. (5:38)
  • Humbling sports experiences. (9:33)
  • Will Uber and Lyft leave California?! (17:40)
  • Is working at-home here to stay post-COVID-19? (22:10)
  • The Apple subscription bundle is coming! (32:00)
  • Mind Pump Investments. (32:46)
  • Public Goods is making waves right now. (35:14)
  • Jessica is HOT, HOT, HOT. (36:53)
  • Funny branding names. (39:50)
  • Young men are dumb. (41:50)
  • The MAPS Suspension hype is real! (43:14)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the physical and mental signs of overtraining? (46:18)
  • #Quah question #2 – Does walking count as cardio, or should I incorporate some steady-state cardio like running and/or HIIT? What will keep me healthy, while maintaining the most mass? (52:28)
  • #Quah question #3 – I'm trying to improve my posture, but find myself uncomfortable when I forcibly hold myself in a neutral position. Am I trying too hard? What are the best ways to improve posture? (57:26)
  • #Quah question #4 – Can you please settle this nutritional question my husband and I have had for years?! Is it better, health-wise, to eat a whole pan of brownies in one sitting or spread it out throughout the week? (1:03:49)

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Aug 14, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about programming isometrics/dynamic tension for strength, foods or supplements that can reduce water retention after a holiday/cheat weekend, the value of intra-workout carbs when pre and post nutrition is well planned out, and whether foam rolling should be done before or after a workout.

  • Mind Pump goes down the Nicolas Cage rabbit hole. (6:17)
  • Justin, the worst storyteller of all-time. (12:17)
  • Not all vaccines are the same. (16:14)
  • Exercise and its effect on your immune system. (18:38)
  • Sports ball talk with Mind Pump. (21:57)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, Love on the Spectrum on Netflix. (28:35)
  • Introducing Mind Pump’s newest sponsor, Pluto Pillow. (31:55)
  • The joys of the third trimester. (35:55)
  • Vuori listens and produces. (37:43)
  • Long term health and financial wealth. (39:43)
  • #Quah question #1 – How would you recommend programming isometrics and dynamic tension for strength? (45:05)
  • #Quah question #2 – Why do processed foods add so much water between the skin and muscle for days after? What foods or supplements  can reduce water retention after a holiday or cheat weekend? (56:32)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on intra-workout carbs? Are they really necessary when pre and post nutrition is well planned out? (1:03:20)
  • #Quah question #4 – Should foam rolling be done before or after a workout? How often and what are the benefits? (1:07:06)

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Aug 13, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the simplicity, versatility and effectiveness of the suspension trainer and how to use it to build muscle and lose fat.

  • The single most effective at-home workout tool. (3:24)
  • The long history of suspension tools and their effectiveness. (6:30)
  • Mind Pump Revelations: How Mind Pump was introduced to the suspension trainer and the benefits they discovered. (8:45)
  • The versatility of the suspension trainer. (14:02)
  • How this tool is easily modifiable. (16:45)
  • Getting your body to respond the way it should. (19:40)
  • The benefits of closed chain movements. (22:46)
  • Becoming aware of your entire body and building core stability through suspension training. (28:12)
  • Bulletproof yourself from injury through strengthening your stabilizer muscles. (36:55)
  • Emphasizing unilateral movements for bigger gains. (42:57)
  • Excellent for building muscle! (45:02)
  • How proper programming will make things  more effective! Why EVERY trainer should own MAPS Suspension. (46:55)

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Aug 12, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using chalk and grip strength, cold showers vs. ice baths for cold exposure therapy, tips on knowing when to push a client to do more reps and when to back off, and their all-time favorite body weight.

  • Introducing MAPS Suspension! (8:11)
  • The famous vegan you would NOT expect, the money grabs in boxing & MORE. (17:36)
  • The effectiveness of plant proteins vs animal proteins. (23:24)
  • buyout, user beware. (27:00)
  • Social Media Wars are heating up! (30:50)
  • Wagyu beef 101. (32:56)
  • The impact and effects of distance learning on children. (35:55)
  • #Quah question #1 – I know you are not fans of wrist straps, because of losing the potential grip strengthening. What about chalk, liquid, or powder? My hands sweat a lot and chalk seems to help with that, but I don’t want to hinder my grip strengthening. (46:56)
  • #Quah question #2 - Cold exposure therapy is said to have many health benefits. Would taking a cold shower be an alternative to taking an ice bath? Does your body need to hit a certain temperature in order to see the benefits be activated? (52:40)
  • #Quah question #3 – Any tips on knowing when to push a client to do more reps and when to back off? How do I know the difference between true physical exhaustion or them mentally giving up? (58:43)
  • #Quah question #4 – For each of you, what has been your favorite bodyweight and why? (1:03:14)

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Aug 10, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss five important steps that anyone can take to improve their odds of living to 100.

  • How we perceive and value our health matters! (3:02)
  • Living day to day is not living, it’s surviving. (9:10)
  • Five Steps to Living Well and Living Long. (15:03)
    • #1 – To be strong. (16:24)
    • #2 – Do NOT overeat and AVOID heavily processed foods. (26:05)
    • #3 – Having good relationships. (36:36)
    • #4 – Having a regular spiritual practice. (43:32)
    • #5 – Incorporating a movement practice. (49:45)

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Aug 8, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about bicep exercises that don’t aggravate neck pain, how to adjust weight and volume after 50, replacements for the big 3 exercises, and some of the resources they read or studied that had an impact on MAPS programs.

  • Introducing Mind Pump’s newest sponsor, Dr. Squatch. (4:32)
  • The fears and misconceptions surrounding childbirth. (8:44)
  • Pray for Beirut. (16:53)
  • Maximus’ first experience seeing horses, glamping & MORE. (20:23)
  • Are movie theaters going to be a thing of the past post-COVID-19? (25:45)
  • Arizona gyms are opening back up! (29:37)
  • The fastest path to becoming a millionaire. (31:53)
  • Mind Pump Conversations: Parenting lessons learned and the importance of being present. (39:47)
  • #Quah question #1 – Both my husband and I suffer from neck pain and find that bicep work, standard curls, and others aggravate this. What are some bicep exercises that we can do? (47:50)
  • #Quah question #2 – I just turned 50 this year and I am an experienced lifter of 25 years. I have been working out basically the same way as I did when I was 25. Should I be scaling back the reps and volume for heavier weight and lower volume or should I be adding more reps and volume? (54:03)
  • #Quah question #3 – If you had to remove the 3 big lifts, what exercises can you replace them with that would be comparable? (59:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – What were some of the resources you read or studied that had an impact on your current programs? (1:08:27)

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Aug 7, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about taking a nap to make up for lost sleep, ways to consume more calories beside protein powders, advice for someone who used to be chubby and is now scared to put on weight due to body dysmorphia, and whether it is possible to start a fitness career as a side hustle.

  • Are there any other feeder leagues that can take on the big dogs? (5:40)
  • Everything is politized in 2020. (13:15)
  • The real estate market doesn’t make sense! (14:18)
  • Can you improve your eyesight through red-light therapy? (16:37)
  • Artifact, making podcasts more personal. (20:10)
  • Conspiracy theories are flying everywhere. Are we being manipulated? (25:20)
  • Mind Pump Investments: Lordstown, car companies competing with tech companies & MORE. (30:03)
  • Fasting and the ketogenic diet for improved mental clarity and performance. (35:05)
  • #Quah question #1 – If you are not able to get 8 hours of sleep in a row, is it worth it to try and take a nap to make up for it? (42:12)
  • #Quah question #2 – If you find yourself having a hard time eating enough food throughout the day due to a busy life, what are some ways to implement more food besides protein powders? Do you use larger/higher calorie meals or snacks? (47:54)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is your advice for someone who used to be chubby and is now scared to put on weight due to body dysmorphia? (51:42)
  • #Quah question #4 – I am interested in working in the fitness field. I had planned to change careers, but I recently had a child. I’m nervous to gamble on a new career path in my current situation, but am very passionate about fitness. Is it possible to start it as a side hustle to safely test the waters? Or am I stuck till I grow a pair and jump in with two feet? (57:43)

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Aug 6, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss how training like an athlete not only improves your movement and performance but can help you build a better body.

  • That time Sal built muscle in his biceps through a different type of stimulus. (2:51)
  • Mind Pump Realizations: It’s not just resistance training that builds muscle. (5:19)
  • Translating athletic movements to build a body that can do more functional things. (8:09)
  • How you can fool yourself into a lull that you have this great fitness level. (11:44)
  • There is an aesthetic to moving well. (15:44)
  • Shattering the paradigm of the gym vs the real world. (17:30)
  • The misconceptions of training like an athlete. (19:11)
  • Why you SHOULD train like an athlete. (20:10)
    • #1 – The novelty aspect of it. (21:28)
    • #2 – The increase in durability. (34:07)
    • #3 – The mobility factor. (38:15)
    • #4 – Gaining control through explosive movements done correctly. (42:32)

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Aug 5, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about making muscle gains at 40,  push, pull, and leg routines, thoughts on the statement “you can’t judge someone’s health by looking at them,” and how they set up the QUAH episodes.

  • Sal’s “euphoric” concoction. (6:35)
  • The eerie cult classic that is relevant today. (9:59)
  • Trump “flexing” to make TikTok an American company? (13:45)
  • Sports are back on the table, but are people watching? (15:50)
  • The common chemicals found in sunscreen and the safe alternatives you can use. (27:51)
  • Mind Pump LOVES Magic Spoon. (31:10)
  • Google’s market response to education amid the pandemic. (35:04)
  • The pursuit of fitness, done properly in a healthy way, builds and encourages the skills that make you more successful in other aspects of life. (38:59)
  • Hardgainer Webinar airing live this week! (45:08)
  • #Quah question #1 – How possible it is to make muscle gains at 40? (46:45)
  • #Quah question #2 – What do you think of push, pull, and leg routines? (54:12)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on the statement “you can’t judge someone’s health by looking at them?” (59:09)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you set up the QUAH episodes? How do you set up the questions, how do you prepare your answers and when do you find out what the questions will be? (1:08:00)

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Arthur Brooks (@arthurbooks)  Twitter

Aug 3, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the causes and how to overcome yo-yo dieting for permanent fat loss. 

1350: How to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting for Permanent Fat Loss

  • The problem and unintended consequences of “yo-yo” dieting. (3:13)
  • How did the term “yo-yo” dieting get coined? (8:04)
  • The psychology leading into “yo-yo” dieting. (9:16)
  • Step #1: Work on the WHY first, not the how. (12:50)
  • Step #2: The bigger and more extreme the change, the bigger the potential reversal in the opposite direction. (24:45)
  • Step #3 - Change your mindset. (27:43)
  • Step #4 - Become more aware and less distracted. (33:52)
  • Step #5 - Avoid hyper-palatable foods. (39:43)
  • Take it SLOW and enjoy the process! (47:21)

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Aug 1, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about recommended supplements to reduce inflammation, the importance of carbs post-workout for muscle growth, the pros and cons of the touch n go deadlift vs. the reset deadlift and thoughts on refeeds when dieting.

  • Dealing with hair loss. (4:47)
  • Kodak, a great example of crony capitalism. (12:40)
  • Sal’s hair secret revealed. (15:43)
  • Italians love fountains. (19:48)
  • The major takeaways from Big Tech’s antitrust hearing. (20:50)
  • GDP contraction: When will the bubble burst? (25:50)
  • Have people considered how many lives Amazon has saved? (28:20)
  • Understanding the whole picture: Why are there so many centenarians on the island of Sardinia? (31:07)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, Love on the Spectrum on Netflix. (34:38)
  • Did you know how much your body parts are worth on the black market? (37:34)
  • #Quah question #1 – I have a lot of inflammation after working out. Are there any supplements you recommend for recovery to reduce some of the inflammation? (42:15)
  • #Quah question #2 – How important are carbs post-workout for muscle growth? (48:06)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are the pros and cons of the touch n go deadlift vs. the reset deadlift? (53:44)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your guy’s thoughts on refeeds when dieting? I heard you talk about a study when suddenly eating more calories after or during a deficit can lead to more fat cells. But there is also research to show refeeds help prevent metabolic adaptation, such as a slower metabolism. (1:00:08)

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