In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about modifications to training/programming for training early morning vs training late afternoon, BFR bands, accountability practices, tools and methods to keep clients motivated and on track and when they think their sons will overtake them in strength.
- Adam’s allergies are at it again! (3:52)
- Yes, you heard that correctly, Justin had a tumor on his adrenals and he named it. (7:40)
- BBQ’s, endless Taco Tuesdays and Butcher Box. (9:33)
- Layne Norton will not let things go. The guys discuss his recent post on artificial sweeteners. (12:45)
- Unique visual stimulation may be a new treatment for Alzheimer’s. (15:23)
- Drinking very hot tea nearly doubles the risk of esophageal cancer, study says. (21:21)
- This Japanese company wants to 3D-print custom sushi for each diner. (29:05)
- Excellent! A third Bill and Ted movie has been confirmed. (30:58)
- Mind Pump recommends ‘The Men Who Built America’ and ‘Lorena’ on Prime Video. (36:10)
- Mind Pump testimonials. (46:10)
- #Quah question #1 – What modifications to training/programming would you recommend for training early morning vs late afternoon? (47:56)
- #Quah question #2 – Do BFR bands actually work? (56:19)
- #Quah question #3 – What accountability practices, tools, and methods do you guys use to keep clients motivated and on track? (1:04:50)
- #Quah question #4 – At what age do you think your sons will overtake you in strength? (1:14:04)
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