Hormone Therapy for Aesthetics for Women Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald
Why she believes you should go on hormone therapy once you are past a certain age. (1:26)
Normal does NOT mean optimal. (2:56)
The difference between BHRT and HRT. (3:47)
Her journey of becoming an MD, a Beachbody coach, and how she got into functional medicine. (7:51)
How is she different from traditional functional medicine doctors? (16:02)
Why hormones place a MASSIVE role on your progress. (17:44)
Her experience with GLP-1s and busting the myths surrounding them. (20:15)
The most common hormones she starts her clients with. (24:23)
Which provides the most aesthetic benefit? (24:58)
What does progesterone provide for women? (25:40)
Why labs are NOT nearly as important as symptoms. (26:33)
Why she prefers creams for men and women. (29:46)
You can have a good libido and have TERRIBLE testosterone. (32:23)
Her preferences when it comes to thyroid medication. (33:05)
Why she prefers to be OPTIMIZED and not natural. (36:23)
To whom doesn’t she recommend hormone replacement therapy? (37:56)
The benefits of DHT. (40:37)
The sooner you invest in yourself the CHEAPER your healthcare will be when you get older. (41:43)
The rise of the female hormone optimization movement. (44:34)
The order of operations for a female looking to make a shift in their health. (46:05)
The best form of exercise for hormone optimization. (51:46)
The muscle-memory investment. (52:54)
Why getting back to the way our ancestors lived just helps support how our hormones are designed to work. (54:38)
PCOS needs to be renamed. (55:35)
Weak muscles, weak bones. (57:07)
The importance and value of protein. (57:55)
Why nothing happens fast with hormones. (59:15)
If you’re taking thyroid medication, DO THIS! (1:01:42)
Her primary business. (1:05:29)
Make America Hard Again. (1:06:14)
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Featured Guest/People Mentioned
LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram